Boxing Gloves

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As the days go by, my suspicions rise on who Grace Dennis really is. On the outside, Van and I get this person who looks after us and gives us smiles and corny jokes. I also can't help but feel that what she's giving us isn't truly her.

She'll leave the room sometimes and take a phone call that lasts a few hours and when I walk into the room, she hangs up and tries to cover it with a lame exuse like the dog walker or her hair dresser. And who calls their hair dresser at nearly midnight?

I don't want Grace to be another enemy of ours, but I have to put Van above all else. Grace can't be playing us because I think I would've caught on by now. What I would like to know is what she wants with us. Or from us.

"Hannah! Get your ass down here!" I heard Grace yell from down stairs. I let my hair down from its holder and ran my hands through my dark locks as I went down the steps.

Van was already eating without us and watching the TV in front of her with a plate of food in her hands. I walked past her and smacked her forehead as I made my way to the kitchen.

"Assault!" Van yelled but kept her eyes on the screen. I got to the kitchen and piled my plate up with food. Grace turned around as soon as I was about to reach for the bacon. The knife she held in her hand was directly above my right arm but it didn't pull away.

"What do you think you're doing?" Grace asked me suspiciously. I looked from the knife then back to her eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked referring to the knife. She glanced down at her hand and a smirk appeared on her face.

"Oh, my bad. I forgot I still had it in my hand. Better watch out, Han. Those karate classes may not have been a waste after all." To anyone, her smile may have looked innocent but I could see it. Behind those eyes was a wickedness I have yet to see. Or that's what I think. I just may be going mad.

"I don't know, Grace. Maybe we should test them some time." I said trying to be as inconspicuous as possible with my testing words.

"Speaking of that, my friend Lauren owns a boxing ring now and she wants me to come check it out. Do you and Van want to tag along?" Grace asked as she turned back around to the pan on the stove.

Boxing ring equals fighting. Fighting means I can see if she's lying about those karate classes that might actually be years of training to take down killer slaves.

"Alright, you're on. But I'll have you know, Van and I are very well trained in any form of combat." I warned her but I could see the twinkle in her eye.

"I'm counting on it. Van, get your shit together! We're going to the gym." Grace yelled and I could hear Van from the couch with a mouthful of food.

"What the fuck?"


The gym looked pretty nice and it didn't have that smell of dirty socks in it yet so that was good. The punching bags were hanging in rows from the side and the ring was right in the center with two people already boxing. The girl in the ring suddenly turned around when she heard the door behind us shut. Her sweaty body was amazing to look at and her green eyes weren't helping at all. She removed the mask from her face and said something I couldn't understand to her opponent.

"Gracie! So good to see you again. And I see you've brought guests." The woman embraced our owner in a hug and she pulled away removing her hair from its ponytail. The hair she had was dark, wavy and making me extremely jealous. I looked at Van and noticed that she was very intrigued with the new stranger just as much as I was. I shoved my elbow into her side and she mouthed 'sorry' to me.

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