Chapter 16

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Jess p.o.v

I woke up around 9:50am it was now 10:14am and I've just been scrolling through Instagram and snapchat. I got a good morning text from Jacob.

Jacob: good morning cutieee!!
Jess: morning Jacob!!!
Jacob: how's your weekend so far
Jess: great, yours?!
Jacob: pretty good, what'd you do
Jess:  oh I hung out with hunter, Brandon, Ashton and Maggie
Jacob: oh did you
Jess: yea it was lit lol
Jacob: good to hear, you guys hanging out again today
Jess: yea we are
Jacob: how long are you staying there
Jess: just 2 weeks and a few days, hey could I text you after my breakfast
Jacob: sure

I didn't have to go for breakfast, I feel bad for lying to Jacob and I feel like he was upset with me. I just felt like texting Hunter, at the moment

Hunter: Hey jesssieepooo
Jess: Hey hunty wus gucci
Hunter: This cereal I'm eating right now is Gucci
Jess: Hahhaha omg
Hunter: So what're you up to
Jess: Maggie and I are going to this breakfast place soon so I'm getting ready for that
Hunter: oh which one!
Jess: uh it's called scramble
Hunter: yoo no way, I'm going there today with my family
Jess: Should we accidentally just show up at the same time
Hunter: We'll be there at 10:40. Oops sorry I accidentally just told you oh well
Jess: Its okay, cause I'm going at 10:41 probably won't see you there i don't know
Hunter: Aw that's to bad, maybe some other time
Jess: Maybe
Hunter: Well see ya soon😉
Jess: Yup😋

"Maggie we're going out for lunch with hunter and Brandon and Ashton!" I said and we both screamed. "Gotta look super cute" I said. "Obviously, wait why, who you tryna impress"  Maggie asked. I slowly turned around to go to the washroom. "Omg Jess, no, no, no I'm sick and tired of this" she said sternly. I tried to close the door on her "I don't wanna talk about this leave me alone!" I laughed.

"Why not, I'm your best friend" she said pushing the door to get inside of the washroom. "Yes, that's true" I admitted. "So act like it, what'd you guys do" she asked and my cheeks were red. "Nothing!" I laughed. "Why're your cheeks red" she asked raising an eyebrow". "I don't it's kind of cold in here" I said looking around the washroom.

Maggie rolled her eyes. "Either you tell me or I ask hunter" she tried threatening me. "We kissed ok Oh uh my phones ringing" I said quickly. "AAGHH JESS!" Maggie said hugging me tightly. "IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU WHAT THE HELL THATS INSANE!" She screamed at me. "Don't talk about this a lo its not that big of a deal calm down" I asked her. "Oh ya, uh sorry, but did it happen after I left or???" She asked. "Who made the first move. "Me surprisingly, ok seriously get dressed we're going to be late!" I said pushing her out the washroom. "Fine I'll get-" I slammed the washroom door "dressed" she finished.

I got in the shower, I had to move quickly because I didn't want to be late. So I decided to dry shampoo my hair, wash my body and get out. I planned to wear a t-shirt from brandy with the cute alien on it, black leggings from lulu lemon and a flannel around my waist and than my brown sperry's.

Maggie was wearing a sweatshirt from pink and some black lulu lemon leggings with her sperry's.

"Ok ready to go!" I asked. "Yup, one, sec" she said slowly apply her mascara. I sighed "any minute now" she said. "Ok I'm ready" she said walking towards the door. I checked what time the über would arrive on the app, it was in 2 minutes.

In the car
"You girls are headed to scramble, the restaurant, right" he asked. "Yes we are" I replied. The car was in silence "you know he's kind of hot" Maggie tried to whisper. "Shut up" I said smacking her arm. I seen the driver look up in the mirror, smiling a bit.

We were on the high way, not to long. I looked over to see what Maggie was doing, taking selfies of course. I pushed my head against hers to get in the picture. "Omg" she groaned, but took the picture anyways. "Ily" I smiled. She rolled her eyes and laughed.

We arrived at the restaurant. I seen hunter, his brothers and mom waiting in the line. I walked in and told Maggie to be quiet for a sec. "Um excuse me you're in my way" I said trying to have a deep man voice. "What" hunter said turning around. "Oh Jess!" He said making his eyes pop. He gave me a side hug (like the duggars). "Oh hey girls" his mom smiled at us. "Are you girls waiting for your parents" she asked. "No it's just us two" Maggie said. "Why don't you have breakfast with us than" she suggested. "Oh I wouldn't want to invade your family time" I said politely. "But I mean if you insist" Maggie said.

Brandon was just laughing in the back ground. "Oh girls you're always welcome" she smiled. "So table for 5" the lady asked. "No 6" their mom said. "Oh are we waiting for someone" she asked looking confused. "no my son is right here" she laughed. "Ooohh didn't see ya down there little guy, would you like a colouring book" she asked going down to his level. "I'll have the colouring book" Ashton said.

We all went to a booth, where we were seated. "Can you sit with me" Ashton asked. "Sur-". "No she can't, sit with mom" hunter said pushing him over to the side. "Here I'll sit in between you both" I suggested. The order was hunter, me, Ashton and the other side was their mom, Brandon and Maggie.

"So what can I get you guys to drink, or would you like to order" she asked. "We ready to order guys!" Their mom said. Everyone said yes. We all order everything we wanted including our drinks.

Our food came surprisingly quick, it was kind of busy here. I ordered eggs, pancakes and bacon. Which was really good.

Everyone was talking and eating. We stayed there for about an hour and a half. We all went back to hunters house. Hunter, Brandon, Maggie and I wanted to watch a movie. "Guys I think scary movies are the key to life" I said. "Major key" hunter said. "Majorrrr" I laughed. "But, it can't be to scary" Maggie said. We all laughed at her.

"No, no of ciudad not" I said sarcastically. We watched some chainsaw movie that Brandon picked out. I popped some popcorn and Maggie got the cans of pop.

My phone started ringing. It was Jacob, trying to face time me. Which he barely does. "Maggie, Maggie what do I do" I said. "Huh, oh that's your problem" she said trying to leave. "No no help me" I begged her. "Answer, do it" she said tapping the Accept button. "Why would you do that" I said and Jacob was there. "Haha Jacob" I smiled awkwardly. "Oh is this a bad time" he asked. "Oh, no no!" I said. "Jess what's taking so long" hunger yelled coming up the stairs. "Jacob hey boi what's up" he said making me laugh.

"Nothing dude" he said. "Alrighty than, I'll take that from you" hunter said grabbing the popcorn. "Be there soon" I said and took a seat at the island. "Jacob, I'm really sorry but can I call you back. Like I feel bad for leaving you and for not watching the movie with them" I said. "Fine" he said hanging up.

Well, now Jacob hates me. I decided not worry about it and to watch the movie.

A/n: Long chapter I know. So what's Jess going to do choose Jacob or Hunter. Anyways thanks for 70+ views💗

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