Chapter 3

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Maggie's p.o.v
I saw Hunters Ex-Girlfriend. (Not sure if that's a true fact). Oh my was she ever hated. People would hate on her so much because her and hunger would randomly make out in public and would post photos with each other almost everyday. I mean that's a couple thing and I didn't hate on them. But hunters fans were so mad, apparently she had dated so many of hunters friends. And apparently she cheated on hunter or at least that was the rumour.

But I wondered why she was here. That's a mystery. Ohhh yay juicy. I explained all of that to Jess. "Oh confusing yet Interesting" she said thinking about what I had just said. "So are we going to go in now?" She asked. "Looks like someone's actually interested. "Yea lets go" I said. "Oh shoot wait my mom wants me to call her" she said. "I'll meet you in there?" I asked. "Yea for sure I'll just be in the lobby." She said smiling.

Jess's p.o.v
I dialled my mom and started to talk to her while I was walking around exploring the lobby. "Yes mom I'll be safe" I said laughing. "And you have enough money, right?" She asked. "Yes mom I'll be-" I said before my and someone collided. I didn't even realize. I got up and dusted myself off. "I'm so sorry I didn't even see you" I said not even looking up. "It's all good, but can you help me out its kind of an emergency" I eventually looked up and realized it was the Hunter kid. "Heyyy you're hunter, right?" I said unsure. "Yea that's me, I don't get that reaction much haha but I need you to pretend to be with me so this crazed girl would leave me alone?" He asked smiling. "Um sure why not, but my top kinda says Jacob Sartorious is my boyfriend, got a sweater?" I asked laughing. He took off his and gave it to me. "Thanks" I said while putting on the 3 sizes to big sweater. "Let me just fix this. Rolled up the sleeves and tucked the bottom under. "There we go" I said smiling.

So basically we just need to walk through the hall together but not into the event room" he said. "Okay I can do that but are you sure you want me to do this there's probably someone who's dying to" "yep 100% sure lets go" he said Laughing So we started to walk down this hall way and I seen that girl that maggie told me about she was walking over to us. I pretended to laugh at something.

He looked up and smiles at me through his eyelashes. And mouthed a thank you. She walked over to us "hi hunty baby" she said while touching his shoulders. "Who this" she said with gritted teeth but still a smile. "Oh I'm Jess, and you must be? I asked. "Well I'm amber, hunters girlfriend" she said smiling at him. "Oh are you really?" I asked. "Yep I am, aren't I hunty" she said more of a statement than question. "Well I guess you bring hunters girlfriend and all you'd really mind if I were to I don't know give him a hug" I asked. Okay I was kinda nervous to hug him but I have to sell it.

"Oh of course not I know he'd never hug back, because loves me, Je-ssss" she said pronouncing my name in two different parts. "Amber how many times do I have to say this we broke up" he said touching the back of his neck. "Ya but did we really I mean we didn't both agree on it" she said.

"Amber we're broken up that's the last time I'm explaining it to you." He said whilst rolling his eyes. "Maybe this would change your mind" she said leaning in for a kiss. I quickly jumped in front of her and hugged him tightly. "Bitch" she coughed.

"This isn't over hunter and I'm watching you Bess or Jess or whatever your name is. She said rolling her eyes and walking away. "Thank you I owe you one" he said. "Ah no problem, oh here's your sweater back by the way" I said starting to take off. "If you keep it ill have a reason to explore the hotel" he said. "Oh okay" I said while laughing.

"Well it's time for me to go in there, hopefully I'll bump into you again Jessica" he said laughing. "You too, Hunter" I said while laughing "good luck" I added before he had left.

Shoot I realized I was supposed to meet Maggie a long time ago. I ran into the event Room and spotted her not right in the first row "Maggie I am so so so sorry I know I was supposed to meet you so long ago" I said. "No no don't worry about it, it's no big deal" she smiled.

"Did I miss anything?" I asked. "No just some music playing, but looks like the shows starting soon so get ready to scream your head off" she said laughing. "Oh I'm ready, I guess" I said while laughing. Well what a crazy Before-Magcon experience that was. And even better is we're here for day two days. Well that should be horrible. Well as of right now it hasn't been half bad. Oh what the heck I'll give this a shot.

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