(Part 2) Bringing backup

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 Phils P.O.V

 Its been 48 hours since I've seen Dan. I called the police, 911. I remember what the emergency number is in America. The police said they were on it and are searching for him, but Dan is not their top priority since down the road two people mysteriously died and they want to know how it happened. I on the mother hand, will not let my friend get hurt. He is my best friend, i'm not letting anything else happen to him. 

 Tomorrow is another show for our tour. Right here in New York, Dan isn't here to do it. What will we do about all of our fans who bought tickets?

 I pace back and fourth and think. Who would do this, why would they want Dan? Why just Dan? Thats when an idea popped in my head. I smile slightly but then frown again. If they want Dan, they probably want me too. If they want Dan for anything its probably the same reason they'll want me. I  sigh and look outside, its around noon so I decide to call up Tyler. He's in New York at the moment. 

"Hey Dan,  what's up?" Tyler answers happily. 

"Hey Tyler, umm... I need your help." I say shyly

"What's wrong phil?" Tyler sounds concerned

"It's Dan..... he's gone, He was taken, the police aren't doing much. I need help." 

"Oh my goodness... How? Why? I- i'm on my way!" Tyler hangs up. 

I sigh and sit on the couch, it feels so empty..... so alone. 

Tyler's P.O.V 

Dan? Gone? No... this can't be true. Why aren't the cops doing anything? I jump into a cab and give him the address Phil texted me. 

 When I get there I knock quietly on the door, I stood there for what seemed like 5 minutes as I hear the slow shuffling towards the door. When the door is slowly opened I am met with a mass of tangled black hair, a hunch-backed Phil, in pjs, and dark circles over his eyes... he looks as if he hasn't slept in days. Following him inside I notice he has scratch marks on the back of his neck, probably from thinking. He tends to scratch the back of his head and neck when he's concentrating. "What's the plan?" I say quietly

 Phil stops in his steps and I hear a loud sob. Phil turns around,   tears running down his overly tired face. "I want him back, I let him go alone..." He cries out as he collapses on the ground. Head in hands. "I need your help, please." he cries.

 Phil informs me of his plan and its perfect, I told him to get some rest and I will clean and think about how we will do this without messing the plan up. 


 Phils P.O.V

  I  slowly wake up on my couch. I look around and see Tyler sitting in a chair writing on multiple pieces of paper. The plan is that I will walk through the alley next to the store and stop to "text" someone. Hopefully the kidnappers will find me and try and take me. Tyler and a few cops will be hiding and spying on me. I will get in their car and I will be taken to where Dan is. The cops and Tyler will follow and they will lead the police right where dan is. To make sure they knew where I will be I tweeted that I was heading to the store.


  When I get to the alley I stop and look at my phone. Minutes upon minutes go by. Nothing. I look down and notice my shoe is untied. I place my phone down and tie it, I start to stand back up when I feel something pressed against my back. I look behind me to see two men, wearing shades. The tall one holding a gun to my back. I shiver slightly and stand up slowly. The shorter man grabs my arm and leads me to a dark colored car. The gun still pressed to my back, I get in the car.

 The tall hooded men look around to make sure no one was watching and take off. 

Tylers P.O.V

 "There! Go! Go! Go!" I yell pointing at the van. The cop picks up his walkie talkie. 

 "Yeah, we have sight on our target. Im calling for backup." The cop drops the walkie "Hold on." He says as he steps on the pedal and rushes around cars. We tried to be as subtle as possible. But thats kinda hard when you're trying to catch up with a van. The cop, his name is Josh, Threaded through traffic. We were swerving from left to right. Thats when we notice the car who stole Phil has three other cars following it. The car on the left, is black and small. The car turns to its side and rams against our car. We tip over slightly and slam back against the ground. The other one slams against our back pushing up the back of the car. 

 "All I could hear is the sound of cars hitting us and my own screaming." The final car turns and stops in front of us. All the cars do. I slowly unbuckle and sink down. The cop pulls out his gun. 

"GET LOWER!" he shouts, I do what i'm told and thats when shots were fired. Multiple bullets shattering our windows and sides of the car. I cover my head and scream more. The cop kills two of the cars, killing the people who were in them. The third car lowers its window and shoots Josh right in the chest.

 "NO!!" I scream bloody murder. I open the door and sprint, if I stayed they would of killed me. Bullets were being shot rapidly at me, I duck behind parked cars and ones that are trying to get out of there. Run. I hide behind a red truck. Run. The truck drives away and I sprint. Just run! Run and you will live! I reach an alley way and stop to breathe, the bullets stop, everything around me stops, Phil is gone. I got a cop shot, and now I lost the car. How am I supposed to know where he is if I can't follow it? I  collapse on the ground, tired as hell and watch as the car slams on its breaks and drives away. Just like that. It's gone. 


Authors note:

 Oh snap! Not Phil! I decided to incorporate youtubers into this too to make it one big collaboration story, if that makes sense.

 I hope you like the story so far. Side note i'm bumping the contest date closer to the 5th. So stay tuned. 4 days to go. 

 Well my name is Destery and I like cats, I mean my name is Maddy and I can't tell the difference between papayas and mangos. 

 Have a nice day! Baiiii.

 ~ Madison >.< 

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