The Fight- Part 1

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*warning a bit depressing*

      Dan was in his room doing a YouNow. "Do you think Phil is attractive?" Someone asked in the chat. Dan gets overwhelmed when people ask these things and has no intention on what he usually says in response. Yes, he did find Phil attractive but he doesnt want to confirm that hes gay. Even Phil doesnt know that. Dan chuckled "Ha... noooo...... he is probably the last person on earth that I would find attractive-" He stopped and took a breath. Looking in the chat to not only see all of his fans angry at him, but Phil was too. "Crap... I-I didn't mean it in that way. Well-" His voice cracked, he messed up. Dan quickly ended the live show and burst out into tears, running to Phil's room.

                Phils P.O.V

             Did he really just say that? He called me ugly...... Why would he say that. My mind was replaying what he said over and over again. So many people call me ugly.... and Dan would fight for me and made sure I didnt feel like I was. "Im done" I mutter in frustration. Im going to talk to Dan right no- "Phil" Dan said, standing at my door frame. I just stared daggers at him. Dan sniffled. Was he- was he crying? "Phil" Dans voice squeaked "I'm sorry." I wanted to forgive him, I wanted to forgive him so badly. Pull him close and hug him, rub his back, whisper sweet nothings into his ear. But I couldn't, what he said was unforgivable I am furious. "Why would you say that?!" My voice boomed throughout the flat. I could see Dan shrink down, pulling his arms to his chest. He looked so vulnerable. "Please Phil" Dan said, barely audible "Just listen to me." I slammed my laptop down in frustration and stormed over to my door. Watching Dan take tiny steps backwards.

                 I gripped his wrists and stared at him dead in the eye, tears streaming down my face. "I understand that you don't like boys, but calling me ugly? That crosses the line, Dan! I thought you were better than that!" I yelled. I instantly took notice on what I was doing and let go of his wrists. I walked back to my bed and shut the light off, getting under the covers. Dan still stood in the door way, watching me. "Leave" I said calmly, but stern. I watched as Dan hesitantly shut the door, hearing his own door slam. I felt bad for yelling at him like that... I love him.. but he doesnt love me back. Thats another thing that pisses me off. I struggled not to kiss him when I had him in my grip. He needs to learn though.

   Dans P.O.V.

  I have never heard Phil yell like that in my whole life, I really messed up. I stood there dumbstruck in his doorway, until I heard him say "leave." Guilt washed over my body. I hesitated for a second, but then slowly shut his door. Thats when I ran, I ran back into my room and slammed the door. "You are so stupid!" I yelled at myself. I slid down my wall and let all of my emotions out. Crying and trying not to wake Phil up. Hours seemed to have past until all of my sobs turned into sniffled, my eyes felt dry and my nose stung. I looked at the clock and saw it was 3 in the morning. I stood up, my legs wobbled for a second and made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see my eyes where red and my under eyes were also. My face was pale and the tip of my nose was pink. I took a washcloth and started to rub my eyes in attempt to wash the color away from them, it didn't work very well though. I walked back to my room and fell backwards onto my bed, crawling under the duvet and shutting off the light. But I didn't sleep, I layed there looking up at the dark celing. When will he get over this? Surely he will forgive me tomorrow. Thats when I started to drift off..

>·< >·< >·< >·< >·< >·< >···< >···
            The Next Day....

    I woke up feeling drowsy, recalling last night through my mind. I feel sick. I got up and rubbed my stomach, hoping to make it feel better. I opened my door and walked into the livingroom. Phil is sitting on the couch go sit with him. I walked over to the couch and sat next to Phil, barely any space between them. "Goodmorning" I said, looking at Phil. Phil just continued to stare at the tv. He turned the volume up more. "Phil listen, I am sorry." Phil got up and walked to the kitchen to get coffee. He usually got some for Dan too but not this time, he was still angry at Dan. He sat back down and looked at his phone. Dan watched Phil's phone out of the corner of his eye. There was a text from Pj.
                 Hey Phil, Are you doing anything today? Because I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at my place.    -Peej

                  Hey Pj, Sure I would love to. I will be there in 45.  -Phil

    Pj invited Phil to hang out with him but not me? I guess he was mad at me too. Phil got up again and headed towards the bathroom, tripping and falling on the way. I couldnt help but burst out into laughter, it was a natural reaction for me, I know Im cold hearted.

Phils P.O.V.

   Dan was laughing at me, I fell and hes laughing at me. Thats when I snapped "YOU KNOW WHAT DAN?! YOU ARE THE WORST FRIEND ON THIS PLANET! I CANT BELIEVE I AM STILL PUTTING UP WITH YOU, YOU DO NOT DESERVE A FRIEND! YOU THINK ITS FUNNY TO LAUGH AT MY PAIN?! YOU LOOK SO STUPID RIGHT NOW. YOU ARE SUCH A JERK  JUST GO AND GET OUT OF MY LIFE WHY DONT YOU?!" I screamed pointing at the door. Dan just sat there, lip quivering. Oh no, I went too far. I sighed "Dan..." Dan quickly got up and ran to his room. Jesus Phil, you are not just ugly on the outside but also on the inside, good going. I went into the bathroom to take a shower. Feeling guilty the whole time.

      Dans P.O.V.

    Phil screamed again, but this time said all these hurtful things. Wow I am such a bad friend. Why are you still here, Dan? Phil clearly doesnt want you here anymore. I sighed. I decided to try and brush it off. I grabbed my laptop and sat cross-legged on my bed, opening up Twitter. 378 Notifications. I opened them and all I saw was angry tweets to me. Most of them called me Ugly and mean and fat. Its because I called Phil ugly, so now they are picking out my flaws to get back at me. I slammed the computer shut and felt sick again, this time rushing to the bathroom and puking in the toilet. Phil must have left already. After I was done I slowly turned around and fell to the ground. Everything was getting fuzzy and I felt dizzy. I passed out right there.
          Dan............ Dan..... Dan wake up!

          Is he okay? What happened?

          I dont know I- wait I think hes waking up
         The voices sounded distant, but slowly started to get louder.
         Dan.......... DAN!
     The voice shouted as I jolted upwards, I was alone. In the bathroom. I managed to stand up. I stumbled forwards and left the bathroom. It was 5:00. Phil is probably still out, I felt like crying. I felt like giving up. He will never forgive me. I stood there for a minute, gaining my strength again then I made my way into to the livingroom and grabbed a candle. After lighting it I sat down and started to slowly burn my arm. I dont know why, I felt like I deserved it. Pain seeped throughout my arm as I wimpered putting the candle down. Examining the large burn on it. I weakily blew out the candle as I started to drift off to sleep again. Laying back onto the couch.

       Wow that was different. Tell me if you liked this and want me to continue it. I will see you next time factory. *shoots rainbows from hand and rides off on rainbow into a volcano*
   - Madison >·


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