Chapter 10. Urano Metria

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Lucy P.O.V

I was out of breath, I just kept dodging the wyvern, who clearly didn't look happy. I was about attack it when it just started attacking me, no other choice than to dodge!

Natsu just kept shouting things like ''Be careful Lucy!'' ''Behind you!'' and such. He even helped me by attacking it as well.

I felt really tired and could fall to the ground any minute now. But I need to defeat it, I can't fail.

Still clutching to the key, I lifted it up in the air.

''I summon, Gate of the Twins, Gemini!'' 

Gemi and Mini appeared before me, flying in circles.

''Change into me!'' I exclaimed.

Gemi and Mini nodded and suddenly bright light shimmered.

Thats when I saw a spitting image of me, standing in front of me. I had clothes I wore some time ago, and I had a side pony tail tied with a pink ribbon.

''I think you know how I'm going to defeat that wyvern now, eh Natsu?'' I asked him.

He gave me a puzzled look. Of course he didn't! He really is dense.

Happy, who now woke up after being hit by a rock (Yes, I didn't include that XD) ''What's going on, Natsu?'' He asked, rubbing his eyes.

I sighed. 

I rested my back against my replica and joined hands. I closed my eyes and gathered energy.

Natsu stared at me, confused. He still didn't figure it out?

The wyvern roared and looked at me in anger. 

I ignored its cold stare and concentrated more.

I bit my lip.

''Now,'' I thought.

 White light circled us as I concentrated even more.

''Survey the Heaven, Open the Heaven ,''' I started casting.

''All the stars, far and wide..''

''Show me thy appearance..

With such shine..''

More light circled us.

I think Natsu figured it out, as he was watching me with amazement.

'''O Tetrabiblos...

I am the ruler of the stars.'''

The light around us turned more yellow and stars appeared around us, shining brightly.

''Aspect became complete''

''Open thy malevolent gate...

O 88 stars of the heaven...


''Urano Metria!!!''

The light around us swirled and swirled, covering us both up. The stars were dancing in the sky which turned dark blue.

The light around us was shining so bright, Natsu had to cover his eyes.

A few seconds later, The bright light disappeared, revealing Lucy who was laying on the ground, unconscious. Gemini was gone, and so was the wyvern.

Buildings around were destroyed. The place looked terrible.

Natsu P.O.V

I looked around, the wyvern was gone, the buildings were in pieces but more importantly.. Lucy was laying on the ground, unconscious!

''LUCY!'' I yelled loudly as I ran over to her.

Happy flew after me, tears in his eyes.

I lifted her head up, she was burning up. Her cheeks were red and her skin was pale. She was covered in cuts and blood, her clothes were torn and she was completley drained from magic energy!

I checked for a pulse on her neck,  and thank God she was alive, though her pulse was slow and worrying.

I panicked a bit and lifted her up.

''We need to get back,'' I exclaimed.

Happy just looked at me, giving me a worried glare.

I just hope Lucy's alright. I wouldn't forgive myself if she dies. I could've just defeated it myself, why did I let her do it!?

I cursed at myself and started to walk. 


Here you go, next chapter! I apologize its so short, I'm just way too busy ._. Damnit school.

But yeah, the next one will be longer, I promise! :3 Well, thanks for reading!


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