4 | The Apology

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I was wrapped in my covers, like a caterpillar in a cocoon. Two weeks since the incident with Hayes & Anastasia.

I honestly felt so lost. I had been crying my eyes out for those two weeks & it's hard to see his face. Colleen tried to cheer me up & so did my dad but they've been no help.

It's Saturday night & I'm home alone & that's how I want it to be. Forever.

I then heard a knock at the door & dragged myself down the stairs to answer. I had messy hair, stains on my sweatshirt & blood shot eyes but my appearance was the least of my worries. I opened the door & immediately felt like closing it after seeing who was there.

"Ah c'mon at least hear me out," Hayes wailed.

"Hear you out? How many times have I been 'hearing you out' ? Huh Grier?" I shot him a glare.

"Please Tayler. I'm so sorry. It wasn't what you thought it was," he pleaded.

"Well I saw you making out with Anastasia at that party & you even put your hand down her shirt!" I started screaming, "what the hell am I supposed to think Hayes! That you guys didn't mean it? Well I can't even begin to describe how furious I am!" I was screaming like the way my mom used to scream at my dad before they got divorced. Hayes tried to calm me down.

"Tayler I was drunk. Like really drunk, I can't even remember a thing," he shook his head.

"You know that is not an excuse. & the fact that you ran after me after that happened just to lie to me. & the way you treated me like shit before that night. What the hell!" I screamed in his face.

"I know you're pissed at me babe, I know that. & I'm really sorry for that thing with Anastasia & how I treated you like shit. I was just afraid," he whispered.

"Of what?" I hissed.

"Losing you," he answered.

"Losing me? Oh so you treat me like trash & cheat on me because you're afraid of losing me? Wow Hayes wow. I bet you even fucked Anastasia," I rolled my eyes & folded my arms.

"I swear I did not. I would never do that to you babe," he reassured me & grabbed my wrists.

"I'm not your babe," I forcefully slipped out of his grip.

"Tayler please," he got on his knees & started crying, "I'm so sorry."

"Boy, for a football player you sure do cry a lot. & lie a lot," I said & looked him dead in the eye.

"I really mean what I say Tayler!" he screamed.

I looked at him & smiled very wide. He stopped crying a little because he thought I was forgiving him. But I wasn't. I gave a big slap across the face & he fell back a little.

"Hit me back if you want because you've already slapped me across the face in here Hayes," I pointed to my heart, "leave," I uttered out the words & with two seconds flat, he was out of my sight & driving away from my house.

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