30 | First Encounter

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"Senior year. It's our year," I said with a satisfying smile.

"How amazing is this year gonna be?" Mckinnley gushed.

"Amazing," I gushed with her. We walked into school & located ourselves to our new lockers.

"How was the last bit of your Summer?" I asked as I put in the books I didn't need for the moment.

"It was pretty cool. But there was this one thing bugging me," she rolled her eyes. Just as I was about to ask, I heard a loud greeting from behind me.

"There's that one thing," she groaned. I turned around to see a boy smiling at me.

"Daniel! I haven't seen you since the beginning of Summer!" I hugged him.

"Hey Tay, nice to see ya," he hugged me back, "how you doing hottie?" he smirked at Mckinnley.

"I'm good," she rolled her eyes.

Daniel was always flirting with Mckinnley but she'd never give him the time of day.

"How was Summer?" I asked Daniel.

"Lit. I even tried to visit Mc over here but she laid me off," he pinched her chin. She flinched & swatted his hand away.

"Maybe you shouldn't mess with her right now," I chuckled.

"I get it. Mess with the kitty, you get the claws," he smirked.

"Can you not," she uttered. He sighed & looked at me.

"I'll see you guys later. Hopefully we have classes together," he smiled.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Bye Tay," he hugged me again & went to Mckinnley, "bye babe," he spanked her ass & moved on.

"Honestly he's so annoying," she rolled her eyes.

"Oh c'mon. You didn't slap him which means you liked it," I chuckled.

"Whatever," she groaned. She looked down at her schedule & made a face of disgust.

"Mr Whitman?" I asked.

"Mr Whitman," she groaned.

"I'll see ya later," I pulled the middle finger at her. It's a thing we do when we leave.

"See ya," she gave me the same gesture & left. I headed down the hall to my first class.


It was lunch period & I was making my way to the cafeteria. I was stuffing my papers in my bag while I was walking when I unwillingly bumped into someone. I stopped in my tracks & looked up. I saw a brunette haired boy with blue eyes & a smirk. I recognised who it was.

It was Hayes Grier. Star footballer & part time bad boy.

I never minded him. He was just a charmer. But he wouldn't just give anybody the time of day, well, that's what I heard.

"I'm sorry," I apologised & tried to walk past him.

"No it's all good," he nodded, "aren't you Tayler Davids?"

I was surprised by his revaluation. I didn't even know he knew who I was.

"Yeah," I nodded slowly.

"I've heard tons about you from Skye," he mentioned. That's when it started to piece together.

Daniel & Hayes were inseparable, like brothers from the same womb. I always saw Daniel with Hayes around school in the previous years but I never knew I was mentioned in their conversations.

"Oh. I hope it's good things," I smiled.

"Yeah, very good don't worry," he smiled, "I'm Hayes by the way."

"I know who you are," I chuckled. Just before he could say something, Daniel appeared.

"Hey bro," he greeted Hayes with a handshake, "hey Tay, where's Mc?"

"She's probably at the table," I gotta go anyways. It was nice talking to you Hayes," I smiled.

"You too," he winked & I headed for the cafeteria. I sat down next to Mckinnley & dug into my meal.

"What took you so long ya fart?" she asked as she stabbed her piece of chicken schnitzel.

"I just bumped into Hayes in the halls & he wanted to talk. Then Daniel came," I ate.

"Damn Hayes talked to you?" she asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"You're lucky. He's doesn't just talk to anyone Y'know," she nodded.

"Yeah I know. But I'm not interested. I don't wanna get involved," I looked down at my food.

Suddenly I heard whistles raise in the cafeteria. Boys were cheering & girls were hissing. That meant only one thing.

Anastasia Cartwell had just entered the building. The most powerful girl in school & my sworn enemy. She ruled everything. Boys drooled over her. Girls hated her. I hated her especially because we had a history. Mckinnley even threw eggs in her hair in Sophomore year, it was pretty funny.

"There she is," Mckinnley gagged as Anastasia strutted around the cafeteria. She sat down at her usual table with the guys & girls.

"I just don't understand how so much vile could fit in such a tiny body," I squinted at the sight of her & Hayes.

Anastasia & Hayes had an on-again off-again relationship & it was the dumbest thing ever. She even went for Daniel once.

"There's a football game tonight. Let's go," Mckinnley suggested.

"Yeah sure. But that's not your type of thing," I laughed.

"Yeah but senior year. Plus we get a bunch of privileges if we go to the first one," she shrugged.

"Alright. I'm in," I nodded.



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