17 | Colleen's Dinner

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"C'mon Tayler, your dad accepted me dating you. I think it's time you accepted Colleen dating him," Hayes comforted me.

"Baby, you don't get it. She thinks she can be better than my mom but she can't," I huffed as I put on my hoodie.

"Well tonight's dinner is gonna be amazing & you're gonna like Colleen by the end of the night & then we'll all be a big happy family," he smiled & kissed my forehead.

"You're so adorable," I chuckled.

"You are," he poked my nose, "now let's go downstairs," he held my hand & led me out of my room.

We went downstairs & reached the dinner table. Hayes pulled my chair back & I sat down & he sat next to me & held my hand tight.

"Thanks baby," I smiled & looked deeply into his eyes.

"You look so beautiful," he whispered & leaned in, "even in your hoodie & sweatpants," he heaved with his voice heavily.

He was about to kiss me when my dad walked into room & coughed really loud.

"Oh. Sorry dad," I chuckled & blushed in embarrassment.

"Sorry Mr Davids," Hayes also apologised, "you look great sir," he smiled like a gentleman.

"Thank you Hayes but just to let you know," he sat down at the other end of the table, "just because I approve of this relationship doesn't mean I approve of the things you two do."

I nodded my head fast & looked at Hayes. He did the same & we both kept silent.

"Good," my dad uttered.

Honestly, I felt like he still wasn't okay with me going out with Hayes even though he said so himself that he was fine. But at this moment, I didn't care because I knew what I wanted. & I wanted him.

We heard a knock from the door & my dad went to answer it. It was Colleen. She flew into the room like a tornado. She had bags in her hands & a big smile on her face.

"Hello everyone!" she beamed & sat down. She gave my dad a kiss & flashed me & Hayes a smile. Hayes smiled back but I just looked pass her & she sulked a little. My dad gave me a look but I ignored him.

"I hope you guys don't mind but I bought you guys gifts," she smiled. It was so bright, it made me want to puke.

"Aww honey. You didn't have to," my dad held her hand.

"I wanted to," she smiled. She shifted a bag over to Hayes which surprised me a lot.

"I know we hardly know each other but I like you. Especially with Tayler so I thought it would be nice to buy you something," she smiled.

"Thanks Colleen. That's really sweet," Hayes smiled & looked into the bag. The look of his face brought joy to everyone's face. Well, except my dad.

"What is it babe?" I asked. My dad cringed & shook his head a little.

"It's an official state football jersey, signed by my favourite player!" Hayes exclaimed in glee. Like he was a little girl getting a doll as a Christmas present.

Colleen chuckled silently, "My brother is the coach & I always heard you talk about him so I asked if he could get the jersey & there."

"This is so great. Thank you so much," Hayes smiled & put the bag on the floor.

I think what she did for Hayes was really sweet but I still didn't like her.

"The next one is for you Tayler," she looked at me & smiled. She slid a light blue box across the table towards me. My eyes went big when I saw the brand of the box. 'Tiffany's' written in white.

"Oh my god," I gasped as I opened the box. It was the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen, it had a crystal, so tiny, so delicate yet so enchanting. I looked up at Colleen in shock.

"How did you?" I asked in shock, I couldn't even finish my own sentence.

"I'm an accountant. I know how us girls love our jewellery," she smiled. That must mean she's loaded.

"Thank you so much Colleen," I smiled at her. I think I was finally starting to accept her I mean she wasn't that bad.


We had finished eating our dinner & my dad was a little tipsy from drinking all that scotch.

"That was a great meal Col," he made a toothy grin.

"But Greg sweetie, it wasn't mine," she chuckled at his drunk stupidity.

I hated my dad when he was even the littlest bit of tipsy because he always said offensive things. About people.

"You know who's food never tasted like this? Lauren's!" my dad yelled & laughed.

"Dad," I hissed. Hayes saw I was getting mad so he started stroking my thigh.

"What? It's true! Her food tasted like crap. She never knew how to cook," my dad chuckled again.

"Babe," Hayes whispered in my ear.

"Hey you!" my dad yelled, "get your dirty football hands off my daughter!" he threw a spoon at Hayes. Luckily he missed.

"Dad!" I yelled back.

"I know these types of boys honey. He's probably tried to get inside of you on more than one occasion!" my dad shook his head fast.

"Dad. Hayes is a gentleman," I defended as I held Hayes' hand tight.

"Yeah. But your mother was a tramp. You know she slept with six other guys before she found me. I bet she was opening her legs for another man while we were still together. That's why I dumped her stupid ass & left her!" my dad shouted. So loud that it was heard around the whole house. The table grew silent.

"Greg," Colleen uttered. I was so steamed, I got up from the table left the house.

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