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Chapter 3- Blue Moon Water Pack.

I stared down at the ground, spotting for something to eat. My stomach growling in hunger, my stomach knotted in twist. In the corner of my eye I saw a small animal moving.

A rabbit, I could just taste the rabbits meat in my teeth struggling to get out of my grasp.

I jumped from the tree a ran towards the rabbit. The rabbit to surprised by my appearance stay still.

I grabbed the rabbits neck and ripped it head away from it body before ripping its body to pieces. I moaned in the rabbits exquisite taste. I haven't ate for an entire week so anything tasted good to me.

I wiped my hand with the back of my hand and shifted to my wolf. Me having no more further clothes was helpful so I wouldn't have to carry them.

I did a sort of wolf like skip to my cave. I laid on the hard ground and laid my head on the cold cave floor. My stomach was full and I was tired, I waited for the darkness to take over me, and lift me into my dream world.


The water was glistening from the warm suns contact. I was sitting on the beach letting the sun consume me when water droplets drip onto my face.

I looked up and the sun was no longer out the clouds were dark and it looked like a huge storm was near. The clouds arranged into this weird dis arranged face appeared.

"You will be mine in the under world one day my sweet."

I jumped from my sprawled out human form on the cave floor a scream of terror from my dream followed me soon after.

Ever~ Maybe we should take a run to soothe us?

Me~ Yeah I really need it that dream was horrifying.

Ever~Get up and let's go.

I jumped up and stretched a little the shifted back to my wolf. I climbed out of my cave and then sprinted off into the woods. After a good hour of running I stopped to rest.


I raised my head in alert ready to pounce on any threat.

"Hello is any one out there?"

I snarled, but kept quiet.

"Hello I know your there I can smell you?"

I sat there and waited. Soon enough a man. He looks strong. Not Alpha strong, he was to build to be a third so I was sure he was a Beta.


I shifted. Not caring about my naked body.

"Look bub, just leave me alone and we'll be both fine."

"Look you see I can't do that I am Beta Alex of the Blue Moon Water Pack, and my Alpha Ian is looking for his mate."

"So and ?"

"That means he has me looking around for all the she wolves around the pack for him to call his mate."

"And I am a Rogue shouldn't you kill me now?"

"Actually No I have been given strict orders to bring him every she wolf."

"If I am not his mate can Ok come back?"

"Sure or you can join the pack either way you have to come."


Let's get this over with and back home.


Thanks for reading.


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