Track Two - 18

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I woke up to the mumbling bustle of the London streets, and the scratchy smell of burning toast. Yawning, I stretched my arms above my head, letting out a content groan, and gathered the bedsheets around my exposed body. Michael and I hadn't quite made it to third base, so my underwear was still intact. I smiled at the night, and sank back into the plush mattress and the soothing balm of sleep.

A sharp thud and a string of profanities woke me for the second time. I jumped and almost rolled out of the bed, clinging to the bedside table as if my life depended on it. "Are - are you okay?" I called to the door.

"Y-yeah," cam the reply, "just stubbed my... fucking... toe..."

I laughed. "We've all been there before."

There was a gentle knock on the door. "Can I come in? Are you dressed or..." He left the sentence hanging.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm still in bed, anyway."

The door swung open and a timid Luke hobbled into the room. "Hey." He shot me a genuine smile that I was quick to return. He fell onto the bed, almost crushing my legs, laughing as I twisted under the blankets.

"I'm sorry... I almost crushed you."

I allowed a smile to sweep across my face. "It's okay. And it wouldn't be the first time, anyway."

Luke raised his eyebrows. "Really?"

I chuckled at his childish disbelief. "I'm kidding. But I don't mind being almost-crushed. Plus, a wild Luke Hemmings can't weigh that much, can he?"

He giggled. "I wouldn't be too sure."

We sat in silence for a moment, just watching each other.

"You don't mind if I start getting dressed, do you?"

He shrugged, and a small bush rose to his cheeks. I threw the covers at his face. "You better not be spying on me while I'm getting dressed. You're too young, and this is explicit content." I crossed my arms over my chest, my face feigning shock. Luke blushed even more, and I noticed that he was watching my chest.

"What's your tattoo?"

Now it was my turn to blush. "Oh..." My tattoo was just below my collarbone, and was a silhouette of a lipstick stain. "I got it a few years ago... I guess I regret it now."

Luke grinned slyly at me. "I like it."

I slipped on Michael's (or should I say Calum's) Kurt Cobain shirt on from last night, and jumped onto the mattress next to Luke. "You're very cheeky for a seventeen year-old. Maybe it's the people you hang around with."

Luke giggled. "True."

We sat in silence for a minute, and I lay down in Luke's lap. He fiddled idly with my hair, both of us appreciating the company we provided each other with.

A faint beeping sound pierced the silence between us, soon followed by the unmistakable smell of burnt toast. "Shit. Shitshitshit."

I sat up, turning to look at Luke. "What's wrong? And don't swear, it doesn't suit you."

"I..." He started blushing again. "I tried to make you toast." He sprinted out of the room and was halfway down the staircase before shouting, "I guess I forgot about it!"

I laughed, crawling back under the warm sheets once more. My foot brushed a solid, cool object, and after a lot of frantic shuffling under the sheets, I pulled out Luke's phone. I grinned to myself, an idea immediately springing to mind. Opening the camera, I start to snap selfies of myself tangled in the sheets, laughing and grinning.

I was just starting to enjoy myself, when Luke guiltily strolled into the room with a plate in his hands. "I didn't know if you wanted the - whoa! What are you doing with my phone?!"

I gasped, pausing halfway through a selfie, before springing off the bed, sheets and all, and running around the cramped room, Luke on my tail. I kept taking pictures, some of me, some of Luke and some of Luke chasing me. This only made him more frustrated, and the tiny crease between his eyebrows was adorable.

I felt two hands grab my waist, pulling me down towards the bed. "No!" I cried in protest, thrashing my arms to regain my sense of balance, but it was no use. I chaotically tumbled on top of Luke, and his phone fell from my grasp. Frantically, we both began crawling towards it, the competitive side of me shining through. As I was about to grab it again, he snatched aggressively at it, pulling it from my reach.

I collapsed beside Luke as he unlocked his phone and began to scroll through all of the photos I had taken. I chuckled nervously as he scrolled through the ones of me in my underwear.

"These are going in my private folder." He muttered under his breath, hoping that I wouldn't hear. I buried my face into his shoulder, avoiding his searching gaze sweeping across my flushed cheeks. Instead, I was met with the click of a camera button.

Was Luke taking a selfie?

"Luke..." I warned, a smile grazing my lips. "Can I see it, please?"

Luke raised his eyebrows at me, feigning innocence. "What happened?"

I pinched his cheeks. "Aww is wittle Wukey afwaid of scary Bry?"

He slapped my hands away. "Stop! You're making me blush!" And I was.

Reluctantly, he showed me the photo. Luke had a sweet smile on his face, his blue eyes brimming with happiness. By his shoulder, there was a mass of hair, which I soon worked out was, in fact, my face. I had a fistful of Luke's Zoo York shirt in my hand, and Calum's shirt, that was several sizes too big for me, had shifted, revealing my black bra.

I blushed. "I like it. Can you send it to me?"

Luke's eyes grinned. "Of course."

I eyed the plate that Luke had hastily left on the bedside table. "So... About that toast..."

Luke grinned. "Do you still want me to make it? After I burnt it?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Go, Luke. I want my toast."

He smiled. "I won't make you toast-" I cut him off with an annoyed groan. "-but I will take you out to a really good breakfast place, if you get dressed."

I immediately perked up. "Give me... Two minutes!" I tugged on my ripped jeans and ran my fingers through my knotted hair.

Luke pulled on a denim jacket. "Let's go." He said, taking my hand in his and leading me out of the door.


Can we just appreciate the Luke picture in this chapter?! My heart <3

I don't feel like it's one of my best chapters, but I've been over it, like, 5 times, so I'm hoping its a bit better! I only want the best for you guys!

Love y'all fam!!

- RainInSpace x

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