Track Eleven - Everything I Didn't Say

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"Hello stranger, it's Bry's voicemail. Sorry, I'm not here right now. I'm probably doing something stupid with my life, like working out how to bake cheesecake muffins, or wondering when 5sos' debut album is gonna be released. But yeah, leave a message and hopefully we can catch up soon... Anyways, bye!"

"Hey Bry, it's Luke. Eh... I've never done this before, so I don't know how this is gonna go. I guess, what I wanted to say was... I miss you, Bry. I miss your smile. And your eyes. And the small freckles on your cheeks that you try to cover with makeup.

Oh yeah, please don't do that; I love them and they're beautiful. Like you.

But, I miss the way you make me feel like I'm being listened to, and the way I would sing to you, and you would give me advice, and how you came to me after Michael... yeah, but you get the idea, right? God, I hope so.

Basically, you made me so happy, and when I was with you, it was almost like I was in heaven on Earth. You changed me in so many ways, Bry, and I'm so thankful. Have you noticed how I don't swear as much now? Do you remember the time that you told me not to swear? Yeah. I seriously care what you think about me, and I care about you more than I ever thought I would.

I just regret not proving it to you. Jesus, I regret so much. Should I have bought you flowers as well as Ben and Jerry's that day? Could I have got there sooner and stopped Michael and his asshole attitude?

Okay, I have a confession to make about that day. When Michael said he was taking you to the tattoo parlour, I realised that... She... worked there, so I followed you. I didn't want anyone to hurt you and then abandon you! That's why it didn't take me long to buy the ice cream, because I wasn't actually at the studio, I was outside tour flat. Great. I bet you think I'm a weirdo now. Well done, Luke...

It's like a living nightmare, being here without you. I don't know what I would do without the guys, I don't know what I'm doing here without you. I seriously hope that I can see you again. Maybe I'll pass you by one day, and we can start over again. Although you probably wouldn't recognise me, and if I stopped to say hi, you probably wouldn't care about me anymore.

But just know that I care. I'll always care.

I guess that I just wanted to get that off my chest...

See you soon, Bry. I love you."


Damn, Luke. Back at it again with the feels. Naw, I just want to give him a hug! But then I want to give everyone a hug so...

I feel like I've made him too dramatic and cheesy, but this is a cheesy song, and I think it's kinda cute (Just like how Luke is kinda hot though) (#sorrynotsorry).

I'm gonna be away for a bit, (holidays are fun!) but this is basically it! There's one more chapter then an epilogue that I'll try and write when I'm back. (Miniminter's voice:) See ya!

(If none of you get that, I'm sorry. But go watch his videos anyway...)

Love y'all fam!!

-RainInSpace x

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