Final track - Outer Space/Carry On

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"Is this it, Ms Gurnall?" The middle-aged moving man readjusted the cardboard box in his hands, the contents rustling and shaking noisily.

I let my eyes sweep over the bare apartment one last time before closing the door and locking it. "Yep. Thanks."

He left the building, and his shoes hit the floor rhythmically. I followed him out to the truck filled with my boxes. My mother and father stood next to their black Range Rover, proud smiles on their faces and my sister under their arm. I ran a hand through my hair trying to calm my stressed curls, and approached them.

My mother pulled me into a comforting hug, her fingers tangling in my hair. "We're so proud of you Bryden. Your First at uni was incredible, and moving out by yourself isn't easy. It's really good to see you being more mature over these last few months."

I smiled awkwardly, but inside I was glowing with pride. "Thanks, mum."

My dad wrapped me in one of his infamous bone-crushing hugs, beaming uncontrollably. "I love you, baby bear," He whispered, using my nickname from when I was a child.

I smiled into his chest. "Love you too, dad."

He placed a kiss on top of my head. "You can stop growing up now." I closed my eyes and wistfully breathed in his familiar scent. It comforted me like another not-so bone-crushing hug. "Your mother is right; you've really done well over the last few months, especially without-"

I coughed and pulled away abruptly. Any mention of The Incident a few months ago still stung. And my parents made it quite clear that they didn't like Ash. "I'll see you at the new house," I said halfheartedly, fishing my car keys from my pocket. "Bye Ebony!" I smiled and pinched her cheek. I pulled my hand out of the way before she could slap my fingers.

Now all I could think about was Ash, and the messy end of us. The broken phone call replayed in my head for the millionth time, and I was left wondering if there was anything I could've said to save us.

I was already grinning giddily. "Ash! How are you?"

"Not so great, Bry." My smile immediately faltered. He sounded so tired and so sad. I wanted to pull him into a hug, but he was seven thousand miles away.

"What's wrong babe?" I pulled at the ends of my hair and chewed my bottom lip.

"Bry, I'm a bad person. I... I cheated on you," my head ached. Hurt kicked my heart onto the ground and stamped on it until it was in a million pieces. "I'm so so so sorry, I love you so much but I was drunk and I haven't seen you in ages and-"

I just didn't want to listen any more. I wanted to give him another chance, but he was too far away, and I could feel the distance tearing us apart, piece by piece, day by day.

"Ash," I interrupted his rambling. "It's okay. But I don't think this relationship was working anyway. I've seen you once since last May, and next time I see you, it'll be ROWSYO, London. Let's break up." My heart tore itself apart as I uttered those words.

I still love him. I still love him.

The line was silent. Finally, Ash sighed. "Fine. But Bry, I still love you, okay? Don't tear yourself apart, you're the most wonderful human being I know."

English Love Affair -- 5SOS fanficWhere stories live. Discover now