Track Ten - Beside You

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I couldn't sleep.

My thoughts were drifting high above my head, taunting sleep away from my tired mind. This usually happened when I was stressed, but I'd done my exams, and a whole summer stretched out in front of me with open arms. Something was bothering me. And I think it was because one whole month had passed since they had left, and not one of them had texted me about it.

Okay, I talked to them yesterday, but I'm a needy person. And I missed Ashton's kisses.

Even though it was three in the morning, I sent him a text.

Best girlfriend: I miss you xxxxx

The ping of a sent text resounded around the room. I lay in bed staring at the screen, my mind lost in too many thoughts.

I felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness.

Don't get me wrong, I love being alone. My favourite thing to do before Ebony was born (and the Internet was a thing) was to disappear behind a curtain with a good book, completely undisturbed. But this feeling was the same feeling that you get when everyone cancels on you the day before your party, or after the first few lessons at a new school and you don't feel like you've made any friends.

The screen turned black, and I was surrounded by the dark emptiness of my room.

The text was stupid. He's going to be asleep anyway.

I groaned. My heart dropped a little in my chest, and I exhaled misery. I closed my tired eyes and stumbled through the maze of my thoughts.

I didn't realise that I had drifted off to sleep, until my phone vibrated against my chest, startling me awake.

The CalPal: Happy month without us anniversary :(

I felt a smile creep onto my lips. Someone remembered.

Looking So Perfect: Really miss you guys. How you doing without me?

The CalPal: Pretty badly tbh. No one can stop thinking about you, ngl.

I grinned uncontrollably. It felt good to know that they missed me almost as much as I missed them.

Looking So Perfect: Aw you guys! London isn't the same without you. I'm thinking about you everyday.

Looking So Perfect: This is bad. I think I'm addicted to your band. Doctor, is there a cure?

The CalPal: Only a hug from your favourite Scottish bass player ;)

Looking So Perfect: Not you then

The CalPal: :o I'm shocked and offended :'(

The CalPal: You're not getting free tickets to our show now.

Looking So Perfect: OKAY. WHERE'S MY HUG.

The CalPal: Atta girl ;)

I walked over to the window, brushing the curtain out of the way. Scanning the street, I thought of all the reckless memories shared here. Of all the late night drinks and Malteser-catching competitions hidden under the unforgiving shroud of night.

The CalPal: You still there?

Looking So Perfect: Yeah. I can look down my street and it's almost as if there is a memory under every streetlight.

Looking So Perfect: Sorry. Don't mind me turning into Tumblr. :)

The CalPal: Actually, can I use that?

English Love Affair -- 5SOS fanficWhere stories live. Discover now