Track Four - Kiss Me Kiss Me

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Hyde park looked beautiful on the fresh May morning as I thanked my Uber driver and pulled self-consciously at my jacket sleeves. The fresh afternoon air was mingled with the sweet smell of greenery and the scratchy taste of cigarette smoke. Glancing around me, I saw toddlers taking their very first steps into their parents' proud arms, or an elderly couple huddled tightly together, their hands intertwined with their love for each other. The gentle hum of chatter and the constant roar of traffic filled my ears, and soon I was stuffing my hands in my pockets and trudging across the grass.

It didn't take me long to find Luke and Cal, because there was a huddle of fangirls surrounding the two of them. As I approached, Luke gave me a shy smile as he was finishing singing The A Team. As Cal placed his guitar on the ground, he smiled at me. I could feel a blush creeping up my neck, remembering our moments yesterday as I grinned back.

"So..." Luke started, "how are you guys?"

I glanced around at all of the people in the crowd. Almost everyone was a teenage girl, and the only exceptions were a few parents that had been dragged along behind their children, and as Luke spoke to them, they either giggled or blushed.

Realising that no one was saying anything, I spoke up. "Yeah, we're okay," I smiled at him, and Luke smirked back at me as he thought of the incident a few weeks ago, "how about you?"

Both Cal and Luke gave me huge grins. "Yeah - er - we're having a good time, especially because you guys turned up." Cal's deep brown gaze fell directly on me, and I was now sure that I was blushing profusely. I quickly pulled my messy hair in front of my face and smiled inconspicuously to myself.

"Well..." Luke nudged Cal discreetly, "This cover is called As Long As You Love Me, and we hope you enjoy it!" He flashed all of the girls his pretty smile, and I saw every girl swoon and blush as his crystal blue eyes passed over them.

Cal started strumming the guitar, the sweet chords mixing with the busy evening air, the serene sound soothing my ears, and I felt a small smile creep onto my lips. Luke started singing again, and his voice was rich and husky, and Justin's words flowed off his tongue.

I was transfixed with their performance until the last chord Cal played. That's when the rain started.

"Ah, shi - shoot," Luke muttered, "sorry guys, we're gonna have to end the meet up there. We can't exactly play in the rain." He shot them an apologetic smile. "It was super-nice meeting you all, though. It's weird to think that we have fans on the other side of the world, so thank you for your commitment, and remember, we love you."

Cal nodded in agreement. "Honestly, you guys are the best thing that has happened to us. Don't forget that."

Luke stuffed his hands into his pockets as people started to disperse. A few asked for pictures whilst Calum was putting his guitar away, and soon a line had formed for pictures. As I wasn't going to ask for a picture, I stood watching Calum and Luke pull faces for selfies, or kiss a girl's cheek. Every time, my heart skipped a beat, and I realised just how fond I was of those four idiots, and how glad I was to be their friend.

"Excuse me," a girl asked sheepishly, "are you going to get a picture with them?" I shook my head. "In that case, do you think you could take a picture of us?" She glanced at me and timidly shot a look to her friend.

I gave them a small smile. "Sure."

When their turn came in line, the girl and her friend received a piggy back from the two guys, as I laughed and took a few photos of them. "I hope the photos are okay," I said as I gave her phone back. "Did you guys have a good time?"

Their eyes lit up in excitement as they nodded their heads in excitement. "Yeah, 5sos is my favourite band at the moment."

I laughed. "Me too. See ya!"

English Love Affair -- 5SOS fanficWhere stories live. Discover now