Chapter 3

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This is one of my favorite pictures of my husband
That ass😻💖 one of the reasons I said yes to his proposal. 😂 yeah I'm a bit obsessed with him.


After lunch, Shannon and I walked to the library. It was off period, so don't worry. I was not skipping. Shannon opened the door and I went inside. I stopped breathing for a minute. The library was so gorgeous. It had high shelves and it had a ladder (LADDER!!!). It was literally the library from Beauty and the Beast, but with a big reception desk and boxes full of returns and the walls were a dark gray with white panels. I almost cried there and then. I love books, and I mean LOVE them. They are so... special to me. My dad read to me when I was a baby and a toddler. After that, I was obsessed with books. Anyways, back to reality.

Shannon sat at one of the stools with a laptop next to the yellow-stained window. She motions to the stool next to her. I sit down and take out my homework. This is easy. After a few minutes, Shannon speaks.

"What did you think of Justin?"

"Well, you were right that he looks like Justin Bieber. Except this Justin is more angelic, unlike the famous one. Famous one can be my sugar daddy for sure.  I would kill for me to be his babygirl."

Shannon starts bursting in laughter. The librarian shushes her and gives a cold glance. Shannon covers her mouth, but still giggles. "Oh damn," she says while wiping tears from her eyes. "That made my day. Oh I can't. You're too much." I mean, I wouldn't mind at all. Wouldn't mind it one bit.

Suddenly, she gets serious. "I wish he kept looking at me like he looked at you at lunch."

Shit, I thought she would brush it off.

"I mean, he was trying to be nice. Doesn't mean anything." It didn't really mean anything. HE was the love of my life.

"He only gave ME that look. His other exes never got that look." Is she implying something? This bitch.

I kept my cool.

"Well, I.. I don't know what to say. I think he was trying to leave a good impression on me." Shannon stared at me with assassin eyes. Fuck.

"No, no, no," I say. "I mean not like that. I mean like he wanted to be friends. Nothing else."

She glares at me with a frightening smile and says, "Look, if you want him, you can have him. Me and him are done. For reals."

This was so awkward.

"Uh, I guess. I don't like him, if that's what you're implying." He was gorgeous, but HE was better.

"Whatever. I could care less." Sure didn't look like it. "C'mon. The next class starts in 3 minutes." We gather our stuff and leave the library. I feel Shannon staring at me with daggers and pillows at me. She hates me, but likes me. Ain't that something? "Welp, here's my class. Bye, see you later," I say quickly. I sit down in the back next to someone in a gray and black hoodie.

"Hey," he says, "you got a pencil? I lost mine leaving your table."

I gave him a pencil and said, "Here you go....wait, how do you know where I-?"

He looked up and gave me a sweet smile.


Justin smiled. "Hey. Thanks for the pencil."

I turned around and freaked out a little on the inside.

"Okay class," the physics teacher said. "Today, we are going to blah, blah, blah." I didn't catch the last part. I was too into my world. For the rest of class, he played with my hair while I took notes. HE would hate this but I have to let it happen.

Hey guys! What do you think if Shannon? Was she really jelly? What do you think about Justin?

Thanks for reading!

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