Chapter 19

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I love puns BTW, especially bad ones. And I love that y'all still reading this story!!! Thanks for the support!❤ 1k like oh my gosh thANK YALL OMG IM FREAKING OUT JUST MOTHAFUCKING THANK YOU I LOVE Y'ALL!!! ALSO CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO. SOMEONE TURNED THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES INTO A LOVE STORY I COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING
I woke up to a knock at the door. "Ugh," I groaned as I woke up. There I was in the same room as earlier on. A second knock was at the door.

"Miss?" said a British voice.

I didn't move. I am not okay with Zac; what makes McCann think he can send someone else? I'm just going to sit here and wait 'til he leaves. Besides, the bed is comfortable.

"I think she's still sleeping, Lou," the British voice says.

"Well, wake her up, yeah?" I heard 'Lou' say. He also sounds British.

"But what if she is, you know....naked? I don't want to barge in and see her that way."

"You're such a ninny. Just open the bloody door and get her. The Boss gets impatient, and you know how he gets," says 'Lou'.

"But-" I hear shuffling and the doorknob rattling. BOOM! goes a gun and the door swings open. A scrawny guy with arm tattoos and blue eyes stands in the doorway.

The other guy was a sort of rugged dude with long, dark, curly hair and bright eyes

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The other guy was a sort of rugged dude with long, dark, curly hair and bright eyes.

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