Chapter Unknown

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June 2016...Two months after Ariana left with Marc. No one knows where she is; her parents are worried sick, her 'best friends' from school have mysteriously disappeared, and search parties are everywhere in the country. But I know. I know where she is. And I'm getting her back.


Ariana POV

Marc and I were laying on the grass. The night was full of stars and galaxies. God, it was breathtaking. "I love you, you know that, right?" he said. I stiffened.

"Yep. I know."

"Are you still thinking about that useless shit?"

I turned in my side to face him. His eyes were starting to turn dark. "Possibly," I whispered.

He got up and made his way to the mansion. I got up and took hold of his elbow. He turned around. "But it's not like that. I-uh...I think of it, like any past relationship. It's nothing," I promised.

All of a sudden, he had me pushed against the tree, his eyes wild with lust. "I'm gonna show you who truly owns your heart," he growled in my ear. He grabbed my wrists with one hand and put them over my head. I didn't bother to resist. With the other hand, he slid it into my panties, feeling the forbidden part of me.

A little moan escaped my lips, and he started to tease me. "Make me yours," I whispered into his ear. At that moment, I thought about how Justin and me together. But that didn't matter now; I was with the one I adore, right? So I let myself become one with him, and the night burst with life.

Justin POV

My crew was racing down the highway. We got a lead on where Bloom's gang is. I got that son of a bitch now. No one takes my girl and gets away with it.

It was 12:27 in the morning. I put my hand out the window and signaled the rest to go ahead and keep me covered. We were approaching Bloom's hideout. We pulled on the large and spacious driveway. I got off, AK-47's ready and ammo strapped on me. On the top window was a lookout. Tyler spotted him and shot him right in the head. His body fell from the window and landed in the ground with a sick thud. Bastard.

"My crew, enter with me. 2nd in command, enter through the back. 3rd in charge, enter through the windows and doors. Remember, check your surroundings at all times. Or else you don't want to end up like Bozo here," I instructed while I gestured to the dead lookout. "Also, we are getting Itzel and my babygirl. We aren't leaving until we bring them with us safe and sound. Protect them at all costs. Got it?" Everyone nodded.

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