Chapter 7

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I've kind of had writer's block, so yeah. I know I usually update every hour so, but I have been busy and had writer's block. Hope you enjoy this. Vote for my story and share it to all Beliebers and Arianators! Thanks!

"Hey, Ariana," Justin said. He was wearing a sweater with jeans. It didn't hide the muscle he has.

I turned around and smiled. I'm surprised Shannon isn't around him. She's been on him since Justin introduced himself to me. Itzel was right. Shannon is very jealous.

"Hey, Justin. How you been?"

"I've been good. I ,uh, I've been meaning to ask this." He looked really nervous. I wonder why. Is he gonna ask me out? It's been 2 months since I got here in January, and we have been talking. Is that why he's nervous?

"Yes?" I say with anxiousness.

"Do you like that Justin Bieber guy? Are you a fan? Would you go to a concert of his?" That's what he wanted to know? Woooww. There goes my mission.

"Um I kind of am. Yeah, I like him. I wouldn't go to his concerts. They seem fun, but people get crazy and I want to go home in one piece. Plus, I'm too lazy to get dolled up for any concert."

"Oh. Good. I mean, not good about the concert and stuff, just...good. I wasn't going to ask you out or anything," I raised an eyebrow and gave him a confused look. "No! I mean I like you, I do, but like I.. Just forget it. I like you, Ariana. I really do. I want to ask you out, but now's not a good time." I took a breath and grabbed his hands.

"It's ok. I understand. You do it when you're comfortable. Plus, it's not like you're going to tell me your biggest secret, right?" I laugh. He lets out a small laugh.

"Yeah!" He said. "That would ruin everything!! Its not a bad secret, it's just..." He trails off.

"Ok..," I say with confusion. "Well I'll see you later. Bye." He gives a peck on the cheek and leaves. I make myself blush like crazy. As I walk to Gym class, Itzel comes up to me.

"Hey, Ari."

"Hey, Z. Hey, have you seen Justin act weird lately?"

She shakes her head. "Other than throwing carrots to the trash can and armwrestling the jocks, no. Why do you ask, if I may?"

"Oh. Just wondering. He asked if I liked Justin Bieber."

"Huh, weird. He doesn't give a rat's ass about that guy. Who knows?"

"Yeah," I saw as my phone buzzes. "Who knows?" I check my phone. DestroyerOfHerlife234. I stop and hesitantly open it.

"What's up, Ari? Someone sending you loooove texts?"

'It's a shame Loverboy hides his secrets from you. I thought he liked you. Hopefully you find out who assaulted Marc and Jessica.' Wait, Jessica didn't assault Marc? What the fuck is going on? My train of thought and paranoia stopped when Itzel shakes me lightly.

"Hey, are you ok? Do you need anything?," she says, her brown eyes crinkling with worry.

"I'm-I'm fi-fine," I stutter. "I just...forgot I had to p-pick up something at the store. Yeah I uh I forgot to get gummy bears!" I facepalm myself on my head. "Silly me!"

"I can go with you, if you want." Her eyes went from worry to suspicion. "Are you sure that's what that text told you?"

"Yeah! I always send reminders to myself. It's nothing serious. Don't worry." I say with a hint of nervousness.

She gets closer. "Are you lying to me? I know when people lie." She studies me. I want to tell her everything then and there. But I can't.

"I'm not. Now can we go to class, please?" She keeps looking at me.

"Alright." We walk to gym class together. Phew, that was close.


Wasn't that close? And what's up with Justin? Do you like it so far? Say it in the comments. Again, vote and share my story. It's not only a Jariana(💓👫) story, it has a bit of mystery and....MURDAHH! (Murder. I was trying to be British.). Give me your opinions in the comments! Don't be afraid. Share and vote!

Thanks for reading!

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