Chapter 16

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School started. Yaaay? Idk. I love and hate school so yeah. Enjoy the chapter!

I entered my house, and my mom had left a note saying she was at work and will be home late. I guess, I thought as I grabbed a bowl for cereal. I put on Netflix and watched Parks and Recreation. I was on Season 3, Episode 3 and it was funny. Typical Ron going back to Tammy. At mid-episode, I heard the bell ring. Wonder who that is, I thought as I went to check who it was. I opened the door and nobody was there. I looked around: nothing. I was about to go inside when I saw something glistening under the moonlight. It was an white envelope with a gold seal. On it was my name in neat, cursive writing. I picked it up and opened it carefully.

Ariana, I know Justin's secret. Trust me, it's not really bad. I lied; he is a criminal. He's known to be-how do I say this?- PSYCHOTIC, just like yours truly (we are close as brothers, ok?). Has a double side, you know? Anyways, I know you're a nice girl and all, but with him, you'll still be a nice girl...Six feet under. I'm only telling you this because you have your life ahead of you and you have so much to live for and inspirational shit like that. Point is, careful what you do. Or else.

P.S. I'm always watching.

I walk inside and lock the door. No, I am not going to freak out. I'm tired of freaking out; of running away and crying for hours. I will be fine; someone is trying to play a sick joke on me. But what if they're telling the truth? No! Stop it; stop it right there. It's a sick joke and I am not playing along. I need HE to be with me. Or Justin. I hate loving two guys. I walk back to the couch and finish the episode. Afterwards, I do my nighttime routine and go to sleep, dreading tomorrow's spring finals.

"Hopefully, you have studied for this final. There are 150 questions on this, and 2 short-answer responses," said our English 3 professor, Mr. Harrison, as he was passing out the finals. Good thing this is my last class. "You have 2 hours; use your time wisely. Right, Mr. Blants?"

Justin was drawing something on the desk. He looked up. "Yes sir," he said with a sly smile. Mr. Harrison nodded and went back to passing out the tests.

"Hey, you didn't answer my call yesterday," Justin said behind me.

"I was asleep."

"You couldn't have told me?"

"I told you. In my dreams. But I don't know if you got the message; my telepathy data plan is overdue so you might get the message in like 3 days."



"Don't be sarcastic."

"I can be as sarcastic as I want."

"Ok, sassypanties. What's up with you?"

"Nothing. I just want today to end, so I can have major FOMO since I'm not going to the Justin Bieber concert."

"Oh. Well, you can spend time with me. We have all spring break."

"Yay," I responded sarcastically.

"Now, no more talking. If I even see you whispering or looking at someone else's paper, I will rip it in your face and you will fail. Understand?" said Mr. Harrison. Everyone nodded and started their tests.

2 hours later, everyone turned in their tests. Only elective hour and I start spring break. Yay. I walk to my locker and put my books away; won't be needing them. I look over at the picture of Itzel and I at the park. I haven't been there for her. She listened to me and my fucked-up life, and I don't even ask if she's ok. I'm gonna make it up to her. I grab the big bag of Takis, Big Red soda can, and Sephora $100 gift card I was going to use later on today from my locker. I close my locker and rush to my elective hour (Reality of TV Shows, pretty interesting) and see Itzel going in. I run up to her and give her a big hug.

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