Chapter 20

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SIT ON DADDY LAP. GIRL, AIN'T NO GETTING OFF.....BUT THE LOVE SO GOOD, YOU FORGET IT BY THE END OF THE SONG!! Coming Home by Trey Songz. Sooooo good. Also, I'm going to start changing POV's so read carefully please. Enjoy!!!

Ariana' POV

I stood up. Justin rubbed his neck. I glared at him. The tension was so thick, you have to cut it with a chainsaw. Itzel pulled her hand away from Tyler's. She looked at us with concern.

"Hi, my love," he says after a while. I say nothing. He approaches me with nonchalance. "How've they been treating you?" He leans in for a kiss. I back away. He looks at me with anger. I stare at him with disgust. Then, he backs away.

"How has she been?"

"Hysterical. That's how they act at first," says Tyler.

"Typical." Justin looks at me with a smile.

"I have to go to the restroom," I announce. I walk towards the restroom, but then go toward the stairs and to my room. I close the door and I locked the door. A new doorknob was on. I locked that too. I then went to the bathroom in the room and locked the door. I went in the closet and closed the door. I put my hands in my head, tears falling down my face. I hate that piece of shit. I leaned back and felt a jab in my back. I looked at what it was and saw a...knob? I was reluctant to open it. I heard someone at the door. I jumped and went out the restroom and stood near the door.

"Ariana, please answer me," said Justin.

"I'm really tired. I'm going to sleep."

"It's barely 10."

"I should have been in bed by 9:45. Good night." I walk to the bed.

"We'll talk in the morning." I hear him leave. I wait a little more and then walk to the restroom.

I go to the closet and push back all the towels and fluffy robes. It wasn't my imagination; there was a brass doorknob. Why is it here? I stood there for a while, staring at it, thinking of the possibilities behind the 2-1/2 inch door. Fuck it, I thought as I put my hand on the knob. I turned it and opened it. Here we go, I entered and saw the unimaginable.

Justin POV

"How is she holding up?" I asked Tyler in the conference room. We were talking about Marc's betrayal and our strategy.

"Oh she's alright. She shows a lot of emotion- she cries alot-, and backs away when I try to kiss or hug her. It'll take time for us to be a normal couple. I have faith."

"I didn't know Ariana was two-timing me." Tyler looked at me weird.

"I was talking about Itzel, the fuck?" I shook my head.

"Let me clarify: how is ARIANA holding up?" I took a swig of water.

"I don't know. Ask Zac or Louis and them. They spent more time with her than I do." Tyler got up and walked to the door. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a little date with my girl. See ya," he said. He left.

I got my phone and called Zac and Louis. A few seconds later, a knock was at the door. "Come in," I said as I brushed a few crumbs off my shirt. They come in and stood at the end of the long, polished wood table. "Have you guys talked to Ariana?" Zac nodded.

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