Chapter 21

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Hey y'all!. Ima try to add a song every chapter. Some might be by Husband, but some may not. Also, I'm changing POV's now, so watch out. Please read carefully. I've got a few surprises for y'all in the next few chapters. Enjoy!

Tyler POV

"You look gorgeous, babe," I said as Itzel opened the door. She didn't look at me.

"Thanks," she muttered. She had on white pants with a scoop neck black blouse with lace along the neck. The diamond earrings I gave her were glistening along with her aura. She was stunning. Her makeup was setting off her eyes. Damn, I got a good one.

"Shall we?" I said as I extended my hand. She looked at it and walked down the hall. "Guess not." I rushed before her and took her hand. She stiffened. "Don't worry, it's only me." I shot her a killer smile. She remained serious. I took a deep breath and lead her down the stairs.

"The car is waiting for you, Mr. Posey," said Barnabus, my butler.

"Thanks, Barny," I said. He smiled and nodded. "Are you excited for dinner?" I asked Itzel as she entered the car. I closed the door and got in on the other side.

She looked out the window while we were on our way. "Babe?" I took hold of her hand while keeping my eyes on the road.

"Let go of my hand," she said coldly. I let go. She moved her hand to her lap. She continued to look at the night sky and bustling nightlife.

"Itzel. Was it something I did?" She didn't respond. "Itzel?" Nothing. "Goddam-" I saw the restaurant and pulled into the parking lot. I pulled out my gun and aimed it at her head. "ANSWER ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU." I grabbed her hair and made her face me. She cried out and clawed at me.

"LET GO OF ME, YOU CREEP!" She is always stubborn. Damn, I didn't want to have to do this.

SLAP! The sound was so sharp and abrupt. Her cheek glowed red under the strong light from the lamppost. She looked at me.
"I told you to quit your shit. But no," I said as I pulled her close by the hair. "Itzel knows everything." She yelped. I grabbed her face. "Now, we are going on a date, you hear me? We are going to enjoy it, and plus, I brought you to your favorite place. So stop your bitching, or you know the deal." I carresed her cheek with my gun. She looked at it in fear. I let her go. She wiped her tears, and got her makeup bag that I brought her. She fixed her makeup. You could hardly tell the bruise that was forming. "Good girl," I said as she put it away. I put away my gun, and got out the car to open the door for her. "Shall we?" This time, she takes my hand.

Ariana POV

It was early morning. 6:53 am, to be exact. I can't believe what a crazy day yesterday was. It's only been a day that I've been here, and I don't think I can handle anymore. But I have to see what that door in the picture room leads to. Justin hasn't come by yet. Maybe I could spare a few minutes. I got up and tiptoed to the restroom. My hand was on the doorknob. Oh god, I'm actually doing this. Again, I thought as I turned it.

KNOCK KNOCK! I hear the door go. "Damn it!" I whispered as I tiptoed back to the room door. I composed myself and tried to look as sleepy as possible. I mess up and scrunched my hair for a more tired look. There we go, I thought as I opened the door. Itzel was in front of me. She had a small bruise on her left cheek.

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