Chapter 4

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Babes shaved his head!! I was sad at first, but I got over. It's actually hot😀😀😁.


After school, I went to Wendy's. I walked there because I'm still sort of grounded from The Incident and Mom took my car away. When I got there, I ordered chicken nuggets and got Dr. Pepper mixed with Sprite. It's really good. I sat down at a booth and got on Snapchat. The girls and Justin gave me their Snapchats. I was going through them when I got a text on Snapchat. When I opened it, I nearly spit out my chicken nugget. 'I know what happened with Jessica and Marc.' I screenshoted it quick. I looked at the username. I don't know who this is. I don't recall adding them. Who are they? I started shaking as I texted: Who r u? Why are u doing this? My mind started to think everywhere. How did they know? I started getting scared and nervous. Bing!, goes my phone. I opened it and stared in horror. It was the picture the police took of Jessica when she was arrested. And of Marc with his bullet and knife scars at the hospital. I couldn't stop crying. I screenshot it and locked my phone. How did they get those pictures? Who else knows about it? I was anonymous when the news asked me as a witness. All I saw was hair with a gun and a knife. Was anyone else there? My mascara was leaving streaks on my face. I didn't care who saw me. I just wanted to go home.


I know that y'all are wondering what The Incident is. I gave some hints. It's short, but I didn't want to give too much away. Y'all are gonna have to keep reading to find out! Cliffhangers are the best, aren't they?

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