Chapter 6

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This is from a gif in a fanfic I'm reading. He's damn💋💋💦💦💦. Lord, I need to confess myself.


The next day was a bit weird. I walked into the cafeteria in the morning and Shannon was being super weird.

"Hi!! How's my friend doing?," she said enthusiastically. She gave me a hug and handed me a light brown MK bag. I looked inside of it; it had Takis, Hot Fries, Haribo Gummy Bears, 3 packs of peppermint gum, a gift card for Google play and iTunes of $100 each, and 4 new phone cases of (surprise) Justin Bieber (my favorite singer, I just never mentioned it). Damn, I knew everyone is rich here and that they can get anything, but this is crazy. I barely got here.

"You can keep the bag as well. I wanted to say I'm sorry for telling you all this drama."

"Shannon, it's OK. No biggie. An 'I'm sorry' would have been fine. No need to go all out." I pushed the bag towards her. "I can't accept it. I appreciate it, really I do. It's too much."

"No," she said as she put the bag on my lap and wrapped my hands around it. "It's yours. I don't take no for an answer. Please, I insist. Take it."

"Shannon I-," she shushed me and smiled.

"I'm not taking no for answer."

"Well OK." I took it and gave her a small smile. She looked pleased and content with herself. She turned back to the girls and started talking. I got up and announced I'm going to the library. Itzel got up and said she was as well. I saw Mariah burning holes in my skull. Man, she must be really jealous. What has she got against me?


When we got to the library, I sat where Shannon and I did. Itzel joined me while giving me looks of worry. Finally, I asked. "What's going on?"

"Uh...nothing. Forget it."

"You're giving me looks of worry. Spill."

"Shannon never does that. She never gets anyone presents for anything, unless it's a holiday."

"Maybe she was trying to be nice. But she didn't have to go all out."

"That's not the point, Ari. She is trying to manipulate you. That's what she doing. Especially after Ha-," she stops mid sentence and looks down, her pale face burning from secrecy.

"What? Especially after what? Tell me, Z. I want to know."

"This is something I have to keep. Sorry Ari." She opened her laptop and started to look up something. "This is really bad. I can't say it. Sorry."

"I understand." What about Halloween? Did the girls know about last year? It WAS all over the news. They didn't know I was there, right? Stop being paranoid, Ari! You need to chill. Ok; I can keep my cool. For now.


Hey guys!! What do y'all think? I'm leaving a lot of cliffhangers, aren't I? Say it in the comments!!

Thanks for reading!!

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