Chapter 9

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She realesed her album I think on may 19, 2016? I might be wrong. I forgot. But yeah. Listen to her album, it's cool. I'm not a really big fan of Ari, I'm a normal fan (if that exists anymore). So yeah.


On Saturday, I put on my most comfortable clothes. I didn't wear flats or heels because I knew we were going to walk somewhere. So I put on my tennis shoes. I went to the front and waited. My mom was waiting to meet him as well.

"You know you don't have to wait, Mom, right?"

She acted shocked. "I have to meet the lucky boy who wants to date my daughter. I have to approve of him. If not, I will not let you go on that date." She fixed my ponytail. "Oh young love. I remember the dates your father used to take me on." She looked at the road with nostalgia in her eyes.

I turned around and looked at my shoes while I waited for him to pick me up. Exactly 5 minutes after the conversation, he comes in a 1972 Cadillac. I thought he was kidding when he meant old-school.

"Hey, Ariana," he said while hugging me.

My mom put her hand out. "Hi, I'm Mrs. Grande. You must be Justin."

"Good evening, ma'am," he shakes her hand and smiles. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine. One question, Justin. Where are you taking her? I know it's a surprise, but I'm her mother and I'm also a worrier."

He leaned into her ear and whispered something.

"Ahh," my mom exclaimed with a hint of a smile. "She's going to love it; that I am sure of." Her and Justin exchanged glances. I hope it isn't a hit and run.

"Well," Justin said, "We should get going. It's already 6. I'll bring her back by 10, if that's alright."

"Be home before 10:45," said Mom. "If not, I will report Justin for kidnapping. I'm not playing."

"Yes, ma'am. We should get going... so we can do our stuff and not miss curfew. Cuz I don't feel like going to jail, (under his breath) especially with the reputation my fans have for me," said Justin.

I only heard reputation. "Reputation? What do you mea-"

"Nothing," he said quickly. He opened the passenger door. "Uh ladies first."

"Thank you."

He got in and we started to back out. I waved at my mom and she pointed to her watch. 10:45, she mouthed. I nodded.

On the way, I kept asking where we were going.

"Come on, Justin. Tell me! I'll even act surprised. Please tell me!!"

"Nope. I love you, but I'm keeping my mouth shut."

"I see how it is." I pretended to pout.

"Not working on me, loves. And either way, I'm still not telling you."

Damn, this dude was hard to crack. "Fine."


We pulled up to a small jet. "Damn, you must be rich as hell. What do your parents do?"

"Deal with me. Trust me, it takes work. And a lot of money."

I kind of didn't listen to him because I was admiring the jet. I can afford first class tickets in the most expensive plane, but not a full plane to myself. But HE has more than a jet; has a small airport and everything.

We got out and he guided me to the jet. "My lady," he said as he extended out his hand. I took it and climbed the stairs. I greeted the pilot, Greg, and the attendants, Malorie and Herbert( Herb for short.) They were nice and very quick. After an hour, I noticed the skyline changing from blue to pink-orange with a splash of purple. "OK, I'm getting worried. Are we in Arizona? Are we going to rob a bank there?"

He laughed. "No, no robbing today."

I gave him a suspicious look and kept looking out the window. I saw a gorgeous sunset, but I couldn't see the ground.

"Where ar-" I didn't get to finish because Greg said to "buckle up. We are going to land soon."

My heart was starting to beat a bit faster than normal. Where are we?

When we landed, Justin put a blindfold over my eyes. "It's a surprise."

"Are we in Arizona?"

"You could say that."

We walked out and got in a car. Justin said we'll be there in 37 minutes, more or less. I guess I'll wait in agony.

The ride was bumpy and kind of steep. The car suddenly stopped. "Grab my hand." I felt for his hand and got out. We walked a bit. "Ok, I'm going to take your blindfold off. But keep your eyes close." I nodded and he took the blindfold off. I heard a bird(eagle? Hawk? Vulture?) in the distance. "In the count of three, open your eyes. One, two, three." I opened my eyes and saw cliffs and valleys. I turned to look at him.

"Welcome to the Grand Canyon, Ari."

Ha ha! Justin took Ariana out...on a date!! Wonder if Shannon knows and how she feels about it....(not saying until next chapter!) What do y'all think? Say your opinions and ask your questions in the comments.

Thanks for reading!!!

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