Chapter 22

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I found this in my pictures and cracked up. Lmao I remember this. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Song of chapter: right here...Also, it's horrraaannn 's Birthday!!!! LOVE YOU! WISH HER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y'ALL!

Ariana POV

The stairs seemed to never end. They swirled and swirled and made me get a headache. Itzel was angry about Andrea. She wouldn't stop saying what a traitor she was and how she always thought Andrea was a little whore and other unpleasant stuff. "Itzel," I said while trying to catch my breath. "Why don't we just go back? This house is huge, and I don't think I can go on any longer." I stopped and sat on the step.

"No," said Itzel sternly. "I want to get out of here now, and I want to see if this is an exit." She kept going.

"Oh my god, Itzel. Just take a fucking break!" I yelled.


"Shit," I muttered. "OK, I'm going." I got up and continued on. After a while, Itzel stumbled upon a hatch.

"Man, this house is full of secrets. What's next? A closet full of dildos?" said Itzel.

I burst out laughing. "Itzel! Were here to escape, not to make sex jokes," I said while giggling.

"Whatever." She attempted to open the hatch, but it wouldn't budge. "Kill me. Alright, there has to be a key somewhere. But..." she looked around and saw there wasn't a lot of space to hide anything.

"Check under the floorboards," I suggested. We pried open the floorboards, one by one.

"Ouch!" I heard Itzel say. I looked at her and saw there was a napkin covering something. I walked over and picked up.

"I think this is it." I brushed off the dust.

"It better be, or I got a splinter for nothing." She stepped back. I took a step to the door and put in the key. The hatch opened to the roof. Sunlight kissed my cheeks. I climbed out first, and then helped Itzel out. The air was fresh, and a nice breeze was coming through. The trees were big and green, and the flowers added color to the dark world I used to see.

"We're free," I gasped. Itzel embraced me into a hug and jumped around.

"Libre soooooy, libre sooooooy!" She sang from the top of her lungs. I covered her mouth.

"Sshhhh!!" I pointed to the 6 M.I.B. with rifles. She widened her eyes. I put my hand down. "Let's check the back," I said. We crawled to the back of the mansion. Nobody was there. "Ok, on the count of three, we jump and hide behind that tree. Climb it, if we have to. When the coast is clear, we run."

"But there's no roads. What if we get lost?" I pointed to the gray strip of road about 3 miles away. A gas station was there, along with a hotel. Jesus is on our side.

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