Chapter 23

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This is from a book I read about anthem lmao. Enjoy! Song of chapter: We Are

Tyler POV

"Wow, so you actually like that Russian girl?" I asked Zac as we waited for the lady in front to give Zac the ladies their clothes. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I mean, not like..more like an infatuation. She is pretty," he added.

"Well yeah, but she looks familiar." I stirred my straw in the cup of coffee. The lady had also given us coffee and donuts.

"I don't know what it is, but I just felt nervous around her," said Zac.

"Here you go, sir," said the lady as she gave Zac the clothes.

"Thanks. And I'm also paying for their stay. 3 days, please," he said as he gave her a wad of cash. She accepted it and gave him the receipt. She left.

"She reminds me of Ariana in a way. I don't know; maybe I'm just crazy," he said nonchalantly.

"Ariana? You don't like her, do you?" I asked him

He started to blush. "Not like...more like interested in; caught my attention."

"Dude, Bieber is gonna kill you. He's overprotective of her," I explained.

"I know that. But he doesn't have to know. He's too busy with other stuff," said Zac quietly.

"It's your funeral," I said as I took the last sip of my coffee and threw it away.

"I'm gonna go give them the clothes. I'll be back," said Zac. He left.

Well, I guess I better check with the others to see if they found anything, I thought. I went outside and got out my phone. I dialed Louis.

" 'Ello?" He responded.

"Any news on the girls?"

"Uh, yeah. Harry found their clothes near the hotel. Also found some rings and earrings. I think one of the earrings is Itzel's. Y'know, the one with the sapphire stone in the middle? Not sure, though," he said.

"Where are you?"

"A ditch about a mile and a half from the hotel. Can't miss it," said Louis.

"On my way." I hung up the phone and called Zac. Didn't answer. I'm leaving with or without him. I got to the van and honked the horn. Soon, Zac appeared.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked.

"Louis and Harry found something," I said as I turned on the van. The other vans turned on and waited for me to leave.

"What is it?"

"Clothes and jewelry," I said as I signaled the other vans and pulled out. "Hopefully Itzel is alive when I find her. So that I can kill her myself." We sped off to the ditch.

Justin POV

I laid in my room. Her scent still lingered. I missed her. Bad.

I kept going to the roof, checking for clues to where she could have gone. She can't go back to Marc. She's mine. Only mine.

I paced the garden, checking every single detail. I didn't find anything yet. I know she'll come back. She has to. Where else is she gonna go?

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