Chapter 10

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Blake POV:
I was looking all over for Emma she left when she finished the test. I wanted to talk to her she was mad I took her brother side. But he my best friend I can't he will hit me. I finally see Emma I go up to her and tell her in sorry.

All she was roll her eyes and walked away again I didn't know what to do so I just grab her arm and pulled her close to me. I look into her eyes damn I wanted to kiss her so bad I couldn't think twice about it. I start to lean in but before are lips touch Ashley came. What the fuck out of all people she came. I wanted her to be gone Emma looked hurt when Ashley came does she think I like her. Next thing I know Ashley on my arm playing with my chest and Emma walked away.

"Go the fuck away Ashley I don't like you get that threw your head".

She pouted and still was on my arm I pull it off her and punch a locker. Well there goes me kissing Emma.

Elizabeth POV:
Did he just try to kiss me oh my god what if we kissed. Does he like me or was he just doing it because he saw Ashely. It doesn't matter Ashely have him now ugh I wish I knew what going on in his head. I miss hanging with him he would always make me laugh he knows all my secrets. Who am I kidding he know everything than anyone else. Like that one time I first drank and that guy tried to kiss me but Blake said he was my boyfriend to get him away from me. We were joking around that night about he was my boyfriend and I was his girlfriend.

I wonder if he was joking that night or if he was serious. I kinda wish we did kiss now his lips probably soft and smooth. School ended I didn't feel like going home or Lily so I just went to the club that everyone in the high school goes too. I sit down and ask the guy if I could get a long island drink with some lime in it. He head it to me I drink it and ask for another one after my 4th one I go dance on the dance floor.

Next thing I know I'm in some guy arms he have big muscles he must work out. I couldn't understand what he was saying. Probably because I had so much to drink that night he pick me up bridal style and put me in the car. I couldn't help but flirt with him I play with his arms he bring me to someone house it look like I seen it some where I don't know where though.

Blake POV:
I was looking for Emma it took me 5 hours until I found her at the teen club she was drunk. I sighed I'm bringing her home before she does something she going to regret I put her in my car. She started to flirt with me I mean I kinda liked it but no I can't she drunk it not the real her. I bring her back to her house kyle wasn't home yet so I undress her putting her PJ on. She started to mumble something I couldn't find out what.

Than she started to kiss my neck I couldn't help but let a groan out. Damn she can do wonders with though lips of hers.

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