Chapter 18

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I couldn't stay there any longer I wanted to get out of here. I go downstairs and grab my brother keys. I don't have a car yet I was going to get one but kyle said no I'm still to young. I run out the door before anyone can say anything got in the car and drove off. I put the radio on and listen to country music. I go to the teen club and go towards the bar. We have beers and stuff there but on the down low. I ask the barman if I can have the strongest he got. He look at me with a little concerned but doesn't say anything.

I take the drink and chug it down and ask for another one. I have so much on my mind now. I find Devon with another girl it hurt seeing Blake with Ashely. I guess I really do like Blake should I tell him. Maybe he feel the same way that I feel I need to tell him and get this off my chest. I get off the stool and go back in the car. I need to tell him he have to know how I feel.

I stop at the red light I see white light coming toward me it looked like a car coming the wrong way. I didn't know what to do I have a little buzz next thing I know I see black. My head was hurting really bad. I couldn't breath it felt like I had the air knock out of me. I felt so much pain than everything started to go numb. What happened why can't I see anything?? I can here voices but can't open my eyes the voices sound like there far way. I Want to open my eyes but I can't why can't I open them?!?!

Blake POV:

Kyle get a phone call saying Emma in the hospital. I was so scared and worried that I kick Ashley out and told her to leave. Shit why didn't I make sure she was okay. I heard her slam the door and all I cared about was getting into Ashely pants. I'm so stupid.

Me and kyle rush to the hospital he ask for Elizabeth they tell us we have to wait in the waiting room. I sat down with my leg shaking and my hands in my head. I hope she okay I don't know what I would do if anything happen to her. 3 hours later the doctor comes out.

"Well what happened how is she?" Kyle say it with a little of a choke in his voice.

"she was in a car accident she wasn't looking where she was going and hit a car. We don't know anything until she wake up I give it maybe a month from the look of it she in a coma".

I stared at him he lying to us she Ok she can't be In a coma. Why couldn't I just told her I loved her. Why did I have to pick Ashley this is all my fault. I walk out the hospital I can't be there anymore it hurt to much.

I feel like this is all my fault I should of just went and saw if she was okay. I go to see Ashely and tell her I can't be with her anymore I can't be with someone at this time. I visit Emma everyday hoping she wake up she need to wake up I miss her. Kyle haven't been the same he doesn't go parties he stay home and go to work. It been 3 months and she haven't woke up yet. I'm getting worried the doctor said she she doesn't wake up soon they are going to let her go. But she strong she will make it.

I hold her hand there so cold.

Kyle POV :
After finding out Emma was in a coma I didn't know what to do I lost my parents I can't lose my baby sister.
How can I be so selfish I should of been taking care of her instead of partying and fucking girls.

When the doctor told me she was a little drunk and it help her go numb. That she just have to wake up and she will be fine Devon haven't been here in the hospital once to go see her. Shouldn't he aren't they dating only person who been here is Blake and I he won't leave her side. I know he loves her and she loves him I can see it in each other eyes. I wouldn't mind seeing them date at least I know she with someone we both known since we were young.

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