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I opened my eyes. I was in the hospital. I tried to remember what happened. Then all of a sudden it hit me. I ran into a burning building to save Erin and Nevaeh. I kept replaying the event in my head.

Instead of me saving her, she saved me.

"Mr. Riley you are awake." The nurse said walking in.

My eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw her. She was so fine. She was about 5'4 with brown hair and that ass. Oh my god.

"I'm McKenzie. I'll be your nurse." She said.

"Nice to have a nurse with such a fine body." I said flirting.

"I don't think you should be flirting with me." She said.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"My husband is your doctor." She said.

I rolled my eyes and laid back down.

"I saw your family. Umm miss Nevaeh is in serious condition. Tayne is down in the children's ward. He's doing better but Erin is in ICU and she can't breathe on her own." She said.

"Erin is in ICU?" I asked quietly.

"Yes sir. She must be a fighter. Usually children of her age would've given up by now." She said.

"You will be discharged." She said.

I went to sign my discharge papers and then to see Tayne.

He was sitting up watching Paw Patrol.

"Hey kid." I said.

He looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey dad." He said.

I examined his face. He had bruises and scars all of over him.

"You okay dad?" He asked.

"Yeah. Guess what." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"You get to go home." I said.

"But I'm going to miss Michelle." He whined.

"Who is she?" I asked.

"That would be me." A voice behind me said.

I turned around to see this mixed girl who was about 19. She had brown curly hair and looked and a decent size.

"I'm an intern." She said.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"You must be Tayne's father." She said.

"I am." I said admiring her body.

"Your son is quite something." She said.

"I get that a lot." I said.

I noticed she was staring at me.

"Can I have your number?" I asked.

"Um yeah sure." She said pulling out her phone.

She gave me her number and I gave her mine. We got Tayne discharged and I headed up to see Nevaeh. Apparently she just woke up.

My Blessing(Blessing or a Lesson Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now