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I was chilling in my room. It's weird living with dad now. I mean Meena is nice and is trying but I miss Vay.

"Tayne?" I heard Erin ask.

"Wassup?" I said.

"My mom said me and Kennedy are moving." She said.

"Come here." I said.

She sat on my bed.

"I don't want to leave." She said quietly.

"I don't want you to leave." I said hugging her.

"I feel bad." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because of what I did to Rico." She said.

"Yeah what you did was petty." I said.

"I know but it's like my friendship with him is more important than a relationship. I'd rather him be my Bestfriend than be in a relationship where that friendship is at risk." She said.

I rolled my eyes. She always talking about risks.

"I don't get you. Why the fuck you so damn scared?" I asked getting mad.

"You know what. Every man I have loved has left me. Just left me. Is it really wrong for me not to want to be with Rico? Am I committing a crime?" She yelled before storming out of my room.

I rolled my eyes. She is so dramatic.


After my petty little argument with Tayne I took my ass to sleep. My alarm went off at 6:30. School.

I took a quick shower then brushed my teeth. I decided to wear a white Tank-top dress with a white sox jersey and some white vans. I put my hair into Bantu knots and put on my shades.

I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.

"I got to drive you. Tayne walked with everyone else." Meena said.

"Okay." I said.

We got in her white Jeep Patriot and drove to school.

"Have a good day." She said.

"You too." I said.

I walked up the stairs. We usually met in the hallway of the fifth floor. When I got there everyone was talking then they stopped when they saw me.

"Hey." I said.

No one said anything.

"Man ya'll some fucking bitches! You know what I hate ya'll. Ya'll can die!" I yelled before running down the stairs.

I ran out the building and to a place no one would be able to find me. I ran to the graveyard to visit my Aunt Bella. I texted Mario and told him to meet me there.

I sat there for about 10 minutes.

"Why you ain't in school?" I heard Mario say.

"Because I'm not." I said looking up.

"I feel like you rather not talk about it." He said sitting next to me.

"You guessed right." I said.

"So what do you want to talk about?" He asked.

"Do we have to talk?" I asked.

"Nope." He said as he wrapped his arm around me.

I laid my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the silence that surrounded us.


Erin ran out but I honestly don't care anymore. I mean she probably went to 1st period.

"She's a thot honestly." Arielle said.

I didn't like the fact that she was bashing Erin but hey.

"Yeah like who the fuck is 14 crushing on a 17 year old?" Kamia said.

"The bell about to ring so we need to go." Tayne said.

Me and him had algebra first period along with Erin. We walked to class and I expected to see Erin there but she wasn't.

We waited for the bell to ring but she still didn't show up. She wasn't in any of her classes.

Finally the final bell rung and I walked to Tayne's house. We went to his room to play GTA 5. Kennedy walked in.

"Have you seen Erin?" She asked.

"She's not here?" Tayne asked.

"No. She didn't get me from school so I walked alone." She said.

I looked over at Tayne who had a worried look on his face.


After I left the cemetery I went to Cadesha's house. I told her not to tell anyone I was there. She agreed and we just chilled.

"So what was that with Rico?" She asked.

"I don't want to date him. Everyone hates me now." I said.

"Wait who hates you?" She asked.

"All my friends." I said.

"If they gone stop talking to you cause you ain't dating a boy then they wasn't real in the first place. And anybody who got beef with my niece can catch these hands. My hands don't discriminate." She said.

I laughed a little and decided to go home. When I got home Tayne was waiting on the couch. I walked right passed him.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"Why you checking for me?" I asked.

"You can't just run off!" He yelled.

"And you can't just talk shit about me and expect me to be okay with it!" I yelled back.

"Grow up!" He yelled.

"You wanted me to grow some balls well I grew them! Go to hell! Rot just rot! I hate you! I wish you weren't my brother!" I yelled.

"I wish I didn't save your ungrateful ass!" He yelled back.

"I wish you died in that fire!" I yelled.

I felt tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I wish my dad never met your mom. I wish your mom was killed when she was kidnapped. I wish you were never born." He spat.

I stormed off.

"That's why dad never wanted you." He yelled.

I let out a scream. I balled my eyes out.

I ran to my room and dug in my dresser. I was searching for my medication. It helps with my anxiety. I finally found the bottle. I poured all the pills in my hand and threw them in my mouth. I drunk water to help them go down.


I sat on the couch. I need to apologize. I walked up the stairs to find Erin's door locked.

"Erin!" I yelled.

She didn't answer.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of that." I said.

Still no answer.

"Erin come on! I'm sorry!" I said.

I decided to pick her lock. Yes I do it all the time. I opened the door to see her laying on the floor.

"Erin get up." I said.

I walked closer to her and screamed. She was foaming at the mouth.

"Dad!" I yelled.

"Dadddd!" I yelled even louder.

He came rushing in.

"Dad she OD'd." I said holding her hand in my head.

He instantly called 911.

"I'm so sorry." I said.

"Please wake up." I said.

My Blessing(Blessing or a Lesson Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now