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You give me purpose...
I sat there in shock. Why am I though? It's not like it's the first time. I sighed and stood up wrapping the sheet around myself. I dropped the sheet and stared at myself in the mirror.

I fell to the ground crying. I'm so damn stupid!

My phone started ringing. I stood up and walked to my nightstand to answer it.

Me: Hello?
??: Nevaeh Power?
Me: This is she.
??: This is Doctor Stevens. I regret to inform you-
Me: I'm on my way.

I hung up. I already knew what was happening. I slowly moved around my room. I pulled on jogging pants and a crop top. I got Erin dressed and drove to the hospital.

When I got there I saw my dad looking distraught. I don't know what happened. I couldn't hear anymore. It was like everyone was blocked out. I walked into my mom's hospital room to see her covered up by a sheet. I removed the sheet to see her lifeless body.

I touched her face. I guess I was hoping she wasn't dead. I tried to cry. I really tried but I couldn't. I tried so hard. I didn't have any emotions. I walked out of her room to see Noah and I guess his girlfriend. She was pretty. Really pretty.

He looked at me and waved. Erin ran over to him attacking his legs.

"Daddy! Grandma is gone!" She sobbed.

No heart strings were tugged. I wanted to feel something. I did but I couldn't.


I watched Vay walk into Keisha's hospital room. I just couldn't. Over the years we became best friends again and I just lost my best friend.

When Vay came out I wrapped my arms around her. It was like she had no emotion. She was just staring out in space.

"Vay?" I asked.

She didn't answer.

"Vay?" I asked again.

She snapped out of her daze.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Baby girl. I think you're in shock." I said.

"I'm fine dad." She said.

Her voice showed no emotion and her eyes looked dead.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes." She said.

She started walking away.


"Hey Noah you should go see Nevaeh. I don't think she doing to well." Malak said.

I really didn't want to go. You know what happened this morning and I brought Michelle.

"Yeah aight." I said.

I let go of Michelle's hand and picked up Erin. I walked over to the chairs to see Vay just staring out into space.

I sat next to her. She laid her head on my shoulder. I tensed up a little.

"She's gone Noah." She said quietly.

"Even through it all. Through the beatings and the sexual things she made me do. She kept trying to be mother. And she was. I never thought cancer would kill her. Hell I didn't think anything could kill her. I thought my momma was the strongest woman out there. And she was stronger because she was battling cancer and really kicking its ass." She said.

I kept expecting her to cry but she didn't. Erin fell asleep on my lap.

"Vay it's okay to cry." I said stroking her forehead.

"I can't." She said.

We sat there quietly. I wrapped my arms around her. I saw Michelle. She looked a little uncomfortable. I quickly let go of Vay and stood up laying Erin on the seat.

"I got to take Michelle home. I'll be back to get you. You shouldn't be driving." I said kissing her forehead.


My second mom is gone. She was there for me through thick and thin. Now she's gone. Who do I turn to when I'm going through?

I could tell Nevaeh wasn't taking this easy. She wasn't crying and she was often staring off into space. She was in shock.

Noah took his little girl friend home and came back to get Vay and Erin. I sat there with my dad. I know he was in pain. The smile he always wore was wavering. It's hard to see him so broken.

Nadia went home. Kamia missed her. I looked up when I heard Layla's voice.

"Hey Tay." She said.

"What you doing here?" I asked.

"I heard and I wanted to see how everyone was doing." She said.

"Nah you came to see me." I said not buying her bull.

"Ha! You funny. I'm here because I know what it feels like to lose a parent or a family member." She said.

"Well you can leave." I said with an attitude.

"Ain't nobody trying to fuck you damn. Nadia said she couldn't get through to you so she called me. If you have a problem talk to your girlfriend about that." She said.

"Nadia asked you to come?" I said not believing it.

"I can show you messages." She said.

"Bet." I said.

She pulled out her rose gold iPhone 6s and pulled up the messages. It was true. Nadia did ask her to come.

"Look I met this great guy. His name is Kentrell and he chill as fuck." She said.

"You dating Kentrell? Forreal? That's my nigga." I said,

"He never mentioned you." She said.

"So you friend hopping?" I asked.

"Look I ain't know he was your friend. You never let me around your friends. I was the side hoe remember? Now you trying to call me a hoe because I have a crush on your friend who I didn't even know knew you?" She said getting upset.

"Leave." I said.

"You know what? You wonder why people tip toe around you. You so quick to act. You got this temper that you can't control and you push people away. That is why your girlfriend asked me to come talk to you." She said.

"You done yet?" I asked in a bored tone.

"Nope. You think that Nadia breaking up with you is my fault. You told me that you and her were finished. You came into my messages talking bout some come over so honestly it was your fault. Fix your life before you try to come at me sideways." She said.

"But you came on to me though." I said.

"Because you texted me with that I need you shit. Get your shit together. I'm not someone you just fuck and pass and that's why when your little girlfriend ended shit with you I didn't date yo ass because I know the minute she came back you was going to toss me to the side." She said.

I was silent.

"Deal with this yourself. See how far you get." She said walking away.

My Blessing(Blessing or a Lesson Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now