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"Really Noah?" I yelled.

I had just went through his phone. Some bitch name Meena had hit him up talking about some "I'm pregnant."

I know this fool ain't cheating on me. Like do we really need to go through this shit again?

"Babe why you yelling?" He asked.

"Who the fuck is Meena? And why is she hitting you talking about she pregnant?" I asked.

"She what?" He said like he was shocked.

"Oh wait there's more. Meena says hey baby. I miss you. When you gone drop that bitch you call a girl friend and her kids. Wow. But wait this the funny part. You say soon baby. It's just gone be me, you and Tayne." I said.

He couldn't say anything.

"Well since I'm being dropped, you can go. We'll discuss this later but I promised to hang with Kennedy and T.J. today." I said grabbing my keys.


Yup I cheated. I mean Meena so fine and so thick and she so fucking, tight like good god. I know I did Vay wrong but come one she gone get over it. But in the mean time I needed to call Meena and get this whole baby shit straight.

On the phone

Meena: Hey daddy
Me: Hey baby. You need to come over.
Meena: Be right over.

I hung up and laid on the couch. Pretty soon the doorbell rung and I quickly opened it. She kissed me. I closed the door not breaking the kiss. She pushed me on the couch and crawled on top of me.

"I missed you daddy." She taking off her shirt.

She wasn't wearing a bra. Good lord. Let me get to work.


I was still talking to Mario when I realized Rico ditched me.

"Umm I'm going to find Rico. I'll talk to you later." I said standing up.

"Aight lil mama." He said.

I walked over to Tracey to see her eating ice cream.

"You seen Rico?" I asked.

"Not since he bought me this icecream. He asked on a date." She said weirdly.

"For real?" I asked.

"Yeah we going to see the second Conjuring." She said.

I couldn't help getting jealous. Me and him promised to see that together. Like what the fuck? He ain't even tell me he liked Tracey.

"Awe that's good. I'm going to find him before I go." I said.

I walked away. I saw him, Tayne, and Tyvell sitting at a picnic table. I walked over there.

"You ditched me." I said to Rico.

"No I didn't." He said.

"Um yeah you did. And you gave my ice cream to Tracey. And you're taking her to see the second Conjuring. The movie we were supposed to see together." I said.

"You were busy talking to Rio and Tracey was by herself." He said.

"Okay I get that but you know we go to the movies every Friday and we were supposed to see that one Friday." I said.

"Look it's not that big of a deal." He said.

I couldn't help feeling a bit hurt. I turned and walked away.

My Blessing(Blessing or a Lesson Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now