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"You look gorgeous." Damen said as I got in his Porsche.

"Thank you." I said.

We were going to this little restaurant down town. Since the kids were at Noah's I decided to enjoy myself and go out with my lovely man.

"So how's everything?" I asked.

"Great. I just got promoted so that's something to celebrate." He said.

"That's amazing." I said.

I don't know what it is but it's like I love Damen. I really do but I can't see a future with him. Like maybe he's not right for me so I'm going to end it tonight.

We were eating dinner.

"Lately this ain't been feeling right. I mean maybe we should end things." I said.

"Hell no." He said.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"I am about to take you home so you can get this crazy idea out of your head." He said.

He paid and guided me to the car. The drive was silent. When we got to my house he got out.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Open the door Vay." He said.

"Leave Damen." I said.

"Open the fucking door Nevaeh!" He yelled.

I opened the door and stepped inside. Immediately he began chocking me. I tried to kick him but he grabbed my leg. He threw me to the ground and punched me.

I stood up ready to fight back. He grabbed me.

"I will break you!" He yelled as he threw me across the room.

I hit my head. Hard. My vision got a little blurry but I could see him walk towards me. He punched me in the nose and I could feel the blood. He grabbed my hair and slammed my head against the wall. I was in too much pain to fight back. He finally let me go and left.

The room was spinning and I tried to find my phone. I had to crawl to get it.

I unlocked and called the first number I saw. Noah.


After our movie we went to get pizza. Michelle did not join us. My phone began ringing and I saw that it was Vay. She never called.

I answered it to hear her hard breathing.

Me: Vay?
Nevaeh: Noah?

She sounded like she just got hit by a bus.

Me: Vay you alright.
Vay: Noah help. H-he hit me.
Me: Who hit you? Vay!
Vay: Help me. I'm at home.

Her breathing got a little heavier and then she stopped.

Me: Vay?
Me: Nevaeh?
Me: Vay!

I paid and grabbed the kids. I called everybody. I dropped this kids off at home and met everyone at Vay's house. Tayvion was pissed and bust the door open.

"Nevaeh!" He yelled.

We started searching for her and I was the one who found her.

She was on the floor in the dining room. Blood covered her all white dress. Her face was covered in bruises and so was her neck.

"Guys she's in here!" I yelled.

They all rushed in. I called 911 and Malak started CPR.

"I'm going to kill that nigga!" Tayvion yelled.

My Blessing(Blessing or a Lesson Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now