Chapter 6

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Cammie's P.O.V.

Shannon left in a hurry and I don't know why. I thought that she liked the kiss. She kissed back. I hope I didn't do anything wrong. I texted her seven times and she hasn't responded.

Cammie: Hey Shan ;)



Shan did I do something?

You said you would text me?

I'm sorry if I upset you?

I really liked the kiss, ;)

Its late now, almost one in the morning. I waited by my phone hoping to get a response. While I waited I was thinking about the kiss. I wondered if Shannon was gay. She kissed me but maybe she was just trying to be nice. I kept thinking about how her skin felt. It was soft and smooth. Her light colored lips pressed against mine. Her big, gorgeous, blue eyes looking at me while she asked me if I was gay. I said yes and she asked why I was dating Quinn. Maybe thats why she won't respond. She doesnt want to get into a mess with Quinn. I should break up with him because all I'm doing is making things worse. I texted him.

Cammie: Hey can you talk?

Quinn: Yeah whats up babe?

Cammie: I think we should break up. I think you are a great guy and everything but I can't be with you.

Quinn: Babe why?

Cammie: I just can't I am so sorry. You deserve better.

Quinn: Cam is it because you kissed Shannon? I'm not mad.

Cammie: Actually I just am not attracted to you.

Quinn: You mean you are gay?

Cammie: Umm yes.

Quinn: Oh I'm sorry Cammie. Your parents are going to flip shit when you tell them. I feel bad for you... We can still be friends right?

Cammie: I know my parents aren't going to be ok with it. Yes we can stay friends.

Quinn: You like Shan?

Cammie: Yeah. She hasn't responded to my tests tho. I gtg bye.

Quinn: Bye.

I didn't think he knew. I broke down in tears and started wishing that it was just a phase but deep down I knew it was real and that was who I was. I knew I couldn't change it and I didn't feel I should try. That would only make things worse. I knew that I was in love with Shannon but I thought it would maybe be better if we just stayed friends. I stayed up that night talking to Spencer I told her everything. From the kiss to Quinn and that I've always liked girls. She told me she knew all along and that she accepted me for who I was. I told her that I wanted to come out to my parents. She told me to take it slow and come up with a plan. She also told me to start of with my brother Lee who is more open minded about these kind of things unlike my family. It was now 2:00 AM and I needed to tell him. I didn't want to wait and I called him and told him it was important and asked if I could spend the night with him at his apartment. He asked what was wrong and I told him to come get me and that I would tell him later. He said he was on his way and hung up. I waited patiently by the door and after a few minutes he had arrived at our house. I got my backpack and ran out to the car got in and buckled up. He asked me what was wrong and I didn't say a word. He drove farther along and asked again I opened my mouth to speak and nothing came out. "Cam whats up I'm worried" he said softly as he put his hand on my thigh. I started to cry and he let go. He drove up to the apartment building and parked. We walked inside and I was still crying but not as hard. He told me to sit down. I sat and waited for him to come next to me. He grabbed my hand and looked at me. I looked away still crying. He grabbed my face and looked into my eyes "Cam what is wrong. Tell me." he said. "I can't tell you Lee" I said sobbing. He said I could tell him anything and I shook my head. He asked if I needed some time alone and I said "No I just can't tell you". He looked at me then said "Write it down" he said handing me a pen and a piece of paper. "I'm going to the bathroom so when you are ready just hand it to me and go into my room and lay down okay?" he said. I did as he told me. I started to write "I'm Gay" on the piece of paper my hands were shaking and I was still crying. I wrote it and yelled his name I handed him the piece of paper and said "Don't hate me Lee" and ran into his bedroom and flopped down on the bed. I hoped he would accept me. Then he walked in the room and I sat up. He looked at me and I looked back trying to hold back tears. He kept looking at me straight into my eyes piercing them. He started to laugh. "This is what you were so worried to tell me Cam?" He asked. "Uh-Huh" I said with my baby voice and started to cry. He sat on the bed and held me on his lap and told me to calm down. He said he would always love me no matter what and said he was always there for me. By the time all of this had happened it was 3:00 AM. I fell asleep on his lap and he put me down on the bed and left to go sleep on the couch. I woke up to a text at noon.

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