Cry your heart out

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After lunch me and my brother went out to a bar for drinks while Treasure is at home with Roy . As we pulled up we both hopped out the car and walked in as we sat down niggas across the room was eyeing us I said "aye bro do u kno those kids over there" he said "relax man they just looking at us, they probably gay or something " I just nodded my head and was bout to order but then the bartender came with two glasses of vodka I said we didn't order this " she said I kno those guys over there did and they wanted y'all to have it" olijah turned his head to them and they started to walk over I said" we can't except these drinks we not gay well I'm not gay what about you ?" I started laughing . he looked at me and said "nigga nah !" They finally make it to us and one is dark skin and the other light skin the dark one had dreads and the light one had his hair in a low phony tail in the back . I said uh are y'all gay or something cause we aren't this is my brother " the dark one said no we aren't gay its just we work in the office with you and I'd just thought we'd buy the both of you drinks sorry for the misunderstanding sir . I nodded and said thanks for the drinks tho " they nodded and left then this girl walked in she was pretty but she dressed like a tomboy she had dreads and she had a. piercing on her bottom lip and she dressed nice tho. Olijah looked her way he said damn she fine but only if she didn't dress lik a boy I would hit that tonight " he turned around and sipped his drink more. She walked over and sat next to me on the stool and order . Olijah looked at her and said so what's up shorty " she looked at him and gave a fake smile and said I like girls I just came to get a drink then I'm heading to see my home girl Tee okay " he nodded fast I started laughing cause she went off on him after we drank until we couldn't no more we walked across the street to a hotel and I checked us in to two different rooms and we crashed on the bed into a deep sleep.

*Listen to this for tee's pov*


I laid Noah down and then Taylor called me an said she's on her way I showered and put on some shorts and a tank top don't get me wrong I may be pregnant but I still can look good in a tank and shorts I walked down stairs and a knock on the door soon came I opened it but it wasn't Taylor it was August. I said what you doing here u kno Noah could be here any minute and you standing here does not look good for me and Noah's relationship " he nodded and walked in any way just as I was about to close the door but then Taylor walked in too I said " uh Taylor this is August and August this is Taylor they just looked at each other in disgust I said uh so what do y'all want Noah's gonna be home any minute so say whatever you gotta say" Taylor. Said. Well i just wanted to. Say that im sorry for everything. I kno. I shouldn't have. Even. Kissed you that day. ..I was (gco by Treasure.) i dont. Think its important. Anymore. I just want me and my babies to be happy "i said. She nodded. And said. I love you i just thought. That you should. Know " i smiled. And hugged her. And she left then it was just me and August. I said. August. I think you. Should. Just leave we've. Been. Through so much and im still trying to get over you and you slept with my sister Behind my back you betrayed me and you think that. If you come and say sorry im gonna forgive you August I had so much love for you and for you to do that to me is hurting. Me so much and at the end you made a fool. Outta me because i loved. You. " tears poured out of my eyes. August. Said. Listen i never. Meant to hurt you i love you and I'm sorry for all the hurt I've caused you and I regret the things I've done. I've lost the 1 girl I've ever loved and it was cause of the things I've done.
Baby I feel so bad right now, cause I tore your world apart, and now all I can think about is how I broke your heart.
These tears that run down my cheek are filled with sadness and hurt, because I loved you so much and now I know that it will never work :( I messed up and now I see that you mean the absolute world to me. " I. Looked at him he looked at me the same way he looked at me when we first met. I grabbed his hands and said. Do you really mean it August i dont know if I can believe you " he nodded and said i know its hard to believe but trust me baby i can't eat or sleep with out you i haven't did anything every night i lay with your pillow on my chest because of you i finally got real love and i know that I will never stop loving you. " I smiled with tears in my eyes and l hugged him. I said sit down August i wanna talk to you " he nodded slowly and I said do you really mean what you said August I wanna believe you but im trying to work things out with Noah but things aren't going so well i just dont get it even when i leave and come back its like he doesn't change and i dont want Roy growing up with out a father. I'm coming back to him and he's no help with noah im pregnant and even when we weren't together he was still the same he never came to see Noah.Then he isn't back yet its 4:30am August am i not good enough even with you I was able to my heart up again but i dont know this time it would be 2 chances and i dont think i can .I'm scared too. " i admitted i am. Im tired of the hurt and depression and heart ache again and again its krazy. August said beby listen you dont have to keep going through that just let him do him and you just get your life together and work on you and your Roy and our baby girl okay you are pregnant you dont need to stressin or cryin ma what you really need is somebody to be here to take care of you and shit baby girl aint other nigga like me ma an im only keepibg it real with ya you only got some months left before our baby get here and i dont want you to bring her into this world with out you being my wifey ya heard meh beby " i looked at him as he got down on one knee and pulled out a small box with a beautiful engagement ring.  August said you not just my baby mama you my world lil mama you make a nigga better a nigga was doing wrong until you came fixed baby girl you gave me sum thangs i never felt befoe i love you with everything in me ma so can you do me the honor  of being my wife " 

The ring he gave her

Noah Pov I woke up with a major head ache i got up to see i had like 30 miss calls and 20 text messages from treasure so I opened my messages and read em

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I woke up with a major head ache i got up to see i had like 30 miss calls and 20 text messages from treasure so I opened my messages and read em

Thickums😍😍*- hey where r u?
-bring me some ice cream

-so u cant reply btw August came over and he stayed the night

-Noah August just asked me to marry him and I said yes im sorry but in all honesty August was more of a father to him then you were im just gonna fall back and let you get your shit together make yoyr money isnt that what makes you happy bye Noah the next time you see me im gonna be miss Alsina

-im already gone me and Noah left this morning i wish you the best

Damn i aint even do nun .

What do yall think about this chapter?  Leave me your comments do you guys think she is wrong or right for leaving noah hanging and to except tge ring from August?  Do yall thunk August being real or nah? Hit up in my comments to let me know how you feel about the situation. 

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