New York

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The plane finally landed in New York. I woke up little Noah and  stretched my arms  and grabbed  our bags out and picked  up  noah and  put him in his carseat  and  got off the plane  . I had got in touch  with  a hotel in New York  and got a  room  for a week or two, until  I  find a place  for me and my babies.  As we got settled  I  looked  at my stomach  and  rubbed  it smiling  and  said  to myself  "we gonna  be fine  i promise   AJ" (her nickname) and  i looked  at  Lil Noah  and smiled  and  he looked back with his big greenish hazel eyes and  curly hair  and  his Carmel  skin tone  he look just like his daddy  . I said  u hungry  mama's baby ?" He nodded fast and smiled big . I said  what you want to eat hun? Lets .. see .. " I  say looking  through  roomservice menu and  decided  to just order  chicken nuggets  and  fries  for Noah  and  grilled chicken ceaser salad  with  ranch  dressing  for me and apple juice  for  Noah and  a fruit punch for me  . After 20 minutes  our food  came  and  we ate  and i bathed  noah and  put him in his pjs and  tucked him in bed and  went and made sure everything was locked  before  i went  and  showered  . I took me a 30 minute  shower  after i got out and dried off i put on my night gown  and  got in bed im tired as hell .


I cant  believe  that  she went  off on me . Am I wrong ?for telling  her  that she was acting like  a hoe in front  of our son . That's  not cute , yes she's  still as beautiful  as the first time we met but she's  not the girl  i fell  in love with,  she's  not independent  more like  her dependend on others  for help. I'm  still thinking  about  getting  custody of Noah and  I  think August  should  do the same  before  she do tbe same  shit  running  from guy to guy because  she scared  of getting hurt . Damn i really  wish she would  have  stayed  with  me . I was brought  outta my thoughts  by Calya my new housekeeper  who was knocking  on the  door . I yelled  for to come  in .

"Yes Calya what can  i do for you "i said

"Um yes sir i was just  coming to tell you uh breakfast is ready  and i packed your lunch sir" says Calya

I nodded and said  "thank you  Calya"

She nodded and  closed  the  door  behind her  as she headed back  down stairs.

I decided to  just get ready  for  work  . I hopped  in the  shower  for 30 minutes  n got out and dried  off  and put on something  casual  like a dress shirt  and  a vest with my grey slacks  and  my  dress shoes  which were black. Did the rest of my hygiene routine and  walked down stairs  ate my breakfast  and  grabbed my lunch  and  left . As i got in my 2017 Audi  . Once i was out of my driveway i took off  , down the road to  my company . I  sighed turning  off my car . I walked into  the  building  and  went  straight  up  to my office  and  shut my door and  just started  on some files  that had gotten  mixed up . As I'm on going to my second  file . My assistant  knocked  on my door .

"Sir there's  someone  here to see you"
Said  my assistant  .

I said" i don't  have  any appointments  so who is it ?"

She said  " Some  guy he said  you  know  who he is  . Sir should  I let him in or tel-"(gets cut off  by me)

"Let him in would  you  thank you " i said  and she nodded and  let in the guy that took my love and had her hurt and believing  his lies.

"What you want  man and  you  cant be up here with  all this drama  so what the hell  you want?" I semi yelled

He sat down right  in front  of me with this  sad expression  on his face  and  said"  she's  gone she never  came home  that day after she went to get Noah and  she's  been  gone for two days  what did you say to her ro make her leave man "

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