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Authors Note:

WARNING: This book occasionally contains mild language

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Okay lets get down to business:

This Author is new at this so she'll probably make some rookie mistakes in both grammar usage and mechanics.

This Author has low - and when I say low, I mean LOW self-esteem, so keep your comments nice please.

This Author is socially awkward; yes I not only create awkward silences but I also end them.

This Author for some reason has farting problems, can't control 'em okay!

And This Author really hopes you guys enjoy this book, despite my horrible writing skills



Janet Hayes updated status 58 minutes ago:

um.. not trying be a bitch or anything but are we all just going to ignore what happened today? I mean come on that's BIG, I know the whole freakin' school is thinking about it but no ones saying anything wtf

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Jason Baylor: ur a psycho bitch, you know that? We're not talking about it because we're smart - we have brains and we value our lives thank you very much

Janet Hayes: ???

Ivy Garner: Jason ur not speaking on my behalf. what are u talking about?

Jason Baylor: dumbasses the bitch will bomb us !!!

Nadia Lakshay: I can't even- are u like kidding me right now jason?

Jasper Hugh: Jason my man, i love you and all but.. nooo man

Cory Donovan: hey u never know dude, one minute she'll be all like waz upp, then the next BAM we're dead

Nadia Lakshay: Wtf we literally were all in the same class for like what, a good 2 years? she could've tried something then why now?

Janet Hayes: i was never in her class ..?

Nadia Lakshay: that's not the point ugh forget it ----cant even believe were having this conversation right now

Cory Donovan: then leave that simple


Zeke Miles status updated 43 minutes ago

Isn't trump like planning to ban them from the country? I feel for them bruh

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Nadia Lakshay: can we all like drop this smh sheesh

Nate Mathews: trump is planning alot of things Zeke and I think we can all agree that they're stupid

Cally Winn: speak for yourself and Nadia what's ur problem fam I thought u had beef with her?

Nate Mathews: cal don't start shit

Cally Winn: awww look at Mathews defending poor little nadia, ugh are u guys not over each other yet

Nadia Lakshay: we're JUST friends

Sophie Asher: yo you guys did u hear about what happened today at school ur not gonna believe this

Cory Donovan: God sophie, does this gal live under a rock?


Nate Mathews status updated 23 minutes ago

Yo um I wonder how kai is holding up he might think his whole life was a lie

Nadia Lakshay: stop exaggerating nate

Jasper Hugh: just saw him actually he looked fine

Cory Donovan: man if I was in his shoes I don't even know what i'd do

Kai Jackson: the hell guys u make it seem like I lost my least favorite brother to a car crash, like no, nothing happened and my friendship with her will always be the same idgaf bout what u guys are saying about her God go get some lives people I'm fine last time I checked u guys never really cared about my wellbeing fake ass

Nadia Lakshay: preach it brother, finally somebody agrees with me

Kai Jackson: ...who?

Nate Mathews: that's cool I understand bro

Sophie Asher: i feel like u guys are being mean to Nadia

Cory Donovan: sophie get outta here fam u seem lost


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