10: Go Back to Your ___ Country

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It's not what it looks like!


Cut the crap, it's exactly what it looks like.

Janet and Sebastian's bodies were basically intertwined, and yes in the dirtiest way. I mean come on, Lani. It was just a simple game of Twister. Nothing more, nothing less. But I imagine it's something way more to Janet though.

Try and picture this:

Janet, head only inches away from 'Sebastian junior'. Note that I said junior people.

Sebastian, right leg somehow over Janet's neck, while the other was miraculously on the blue circle under her ass, I mean is that even possible? He might be flexible, but he couldn't be that flexible.

I know what your thinking. How did a group of kids studying for an upcoming quiz end up at Janet's house to play some games? Well it was because her mother called and told her she was going to go and run some errands and needed her to watch over her little sisters.

I wanted to leave then and there after thirty minutes of pure torture but she insisted that I come along. It was okay the first couple of minutes before she blurted out that she was bored and decided that we play some games. I was down for it but when she whipped out Twister...


Please. I'm not flexible nor am I a fan of spreading my legs, as so.

"Ahem... so you guys, it's getting pretty late and um.. my mom just texted insisting that I come home, like now" I announced to the small group. Megan, one of Janet's friends rudely said,

"So then get going Lani, it's almost your bed time anyway"

Hmph, my bed time was actually around 9:45.

Ha. Thug life.

Just kidding.

"But who's gonna drive you back," Megan asked then as if on cue, both her and Janet yelled out "Not it!"

I sulked in my seat, so then city bus it was! Yay.....another 4 blocks to the bus stop.

"It's cool I can drive her back," Sebastian suggested, "I mean if that's cool with you" he asked looking at me

Janet's eyes narrowed until they were basically slits in her pupil, what? She did refuse to drive me.

"I'm cool with it, as long as you don't kill me then leave me at a ditch to rot," I flat out responded. Sebastian nervously chuckled and waited awkwardly for me to say it was just a joke. I'm sorry brother, but I was dead serious.

"Oh, your serious,"

"It's nothing personal , Sebastian, I just watch a lot of shows on the ID channel, not to mention 20/20" I simply shrugged. I only wanted some reassurance, could you blame me? Well I blame my mom for getting me into that shitty, but addictive channel.

"Oh makes sense, well then I solemnly swear that I will not kill you or leave you at a ditch to rot," a smile tugged at my lips and I-

"That's just cruel, and I'd get caught easily. Maybe a pond or swamp would do, 'cuz then the DNA would-" I stopped in my tracks, say what now?

"-I'm good taking the bus, see y'all tomorrow!" I say, waving goodbye heartlessly.

"I'm only kidding Lani" he chuckled, I punch myself in the gut for immediately thinking dirty thoughts.

You know you like him,

My annoying inside voice told me. Whaaaat? Tehehe I have no idea what she was talking about, carry along.

We said our goodbyes and headed out the door.


"Yeah, a turn here"

After we left the house, Sebastian and I decided to play a game of 21 questions to drop the awkward silence that inevitably fell upon us.

Turns out he's actually the son of a slightly wealthy family. They own a family business and he's decided to come and move alone to avoid being the heir to the business.

Feels like his story is straight out of a Kdrama or something.

The car came to a stop and Sebastian announced, "We're here-"before stopping mid sentence. Confused, I followed his gaze and was shocked the minute I laid my eyes on my house.

"Go back to your FUCKING country"

Was written in huge Graffiti words across the front of my house and garage. There were two police cars with blinding red and blue lights parked in the driveway.

My eyes then landed on our front windows. They were all shattered as if someone through huge bricks at it. I couldn't believe my eyes.


My step dad.

I felt a warm trail of tears on my cheek, I was crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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