9: I'm Not A Charity Case

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"Okay Lani, so I've got some catching up to do on The Walking Dead, I won't be coming with you today. Toodles!"

Kai waved goodbye, flashed his cheeky smile and ran towards the cross walk. Ah guess I'll be going by myself then.

Ever since I moved here it's been a ritual for me to hit up the Starbucks on Hector Street every day after school. Especially on days when I'm feeling stressed, like today. My ribs still hurt from the impact of Janet's elbow to my side.

"Stay away from caffeine Lani, the temporary 'highs' they provide often end in with a crash in your mood and your energy will go down the drain", is what mom always said.

Well that's her opinion, and I'm entitled to mine.

The minute I entered, the smell of coffee smacked me in the face. Everywhere I looked people were either isolated with books buried in their faces or in deep conversation. This Starbucks was a social hub for our school so I wasn't surprised to meet Ivy at the front counter.

"Ayee, It's Lani! Guess who works at Starbucks?!" she shouted, hands out in the air, everyone glanced over at us.

"Wow Ivy, congratulations! Who ever hired you must be out their right mind!"

"Oh hoo Lani," she laughed, then a split second later the smile was replaced with a scowl. She reached over, grabbed my collar and tugged me closer,

"Now you listen up and you listen up closely girly," she spat,

"You are not going to mess this up for me ya hear?"

Ivy Garner was a Junior, like me, at our school. She's actually suppose to be in 12th grade but she flunked so she had to repeat her Junior year again. And no she's not dumb, she's actually a genius if you ask me. And she fits right in because she's only a couple of months older than me.

"Guess I don't have to mess it up for you after all big sister," I gave her a nasty smile and pointed to the figure standing behind her, the expression on her face was priceless!

"Garner! It's your first day, do you wanna get fired already?" the manager- I'm guessing- shouted,

She immediately let me down and stood up straight, "No sir! Please give me a chance!"

He stared at her for a second, "Very well then, get back to work-"

He then looked over at me, I squirmed uncomfortably in my spot, "Oh and this young lady's order is on you Ivy, you shouldn't treat our customers like that".

After he left, I did my happy dance, Ivy just smiled, "Okay you win, so whaada ya want? I'll join you after my shift."

"I'll have the uh Caramel Waffle Cone Frappuccino".


After I got my order I walked my way to an unoccupied sofa, whipped out my phone, popped on earphones and turned up some Kpop.

Yup, I love me some Kpop.

When I listen to music, I seem to get a little too into it. Think, sudden jerking of the body, hands in the air like you just don't care, you could even catch me trying to attempt the 'Window Wiper'.

There was this one time when an old lady called the ambulance because she thought I was in a seizure. That was the day I was told to never dance in my life.

True story bro.

So you could imagine the thoughts running through my head when I heard someone chuckle in front me,

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