7: Are you Freakin' Kidding Me?

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"Aren't you gonna say somethin'?"

We were staring at each other, phone in hand for what felt like a century.

He cleared his throat,

"How's your mother? She still dwelling on the past like she use to?"

Glass window.

The only thing stopping me from wanting to smack him.

"Nope. She's actually married now" I said matter-of-factly

He rubbed his chin,

"So I've heard," he glanced back at Nicky who was leaning on the wall next to Kai and Maya. She waved at him like she was still five.

If you haven't noticed yet, we were in a prison phone booth visiting Dave. Turns out that Nicky's mother was going to be out of town for awhile and the uncle she was living with refused to take her to her scheduled visit. So being the good Samaritan Kai's mother is, she asked Maya to volunteer to take her.

After she had her chance to catch up with her father, he asked to speak to me. I obviously refused but Kai persuaded me into it. He said talking to him one final time would be perfect to severing any other feelings and emotions I had for him deep down inside.


We all looked at the guard,

"You guys got 5 minutes."

Dave caught my attention again,

"Heard this fella was uh...Muslim" he spat

My eyes twitched,

"Hope he ain't abusing little ole' Natalya" he chuckled

I clenched my teeth,

"She never seems to learn from her mistakes, she can easily be manipulated, that little gal, ya know that?"

My hands curled into a fist

"Lani, I'm tellin' ya, that bastard sooner or later gonna go sharia on that bitc-"


He jerked in his chair on the other side of the window.

I couldn't take it anymore so I slammed my fist on the glass.

"Are you freakin' kidding me!" I shouted in disbelief,

"Now you listen here, there's a big difference between you and my new dad" I pointed out,

"Adam has never and will never raise so much of a finger at mom!"

"You did!" I screamed into the phone,

I slapped the glass again, despite the stinging feeling from before,

"So what?!?! He's Muslim! I don't give 2 shits! Better than having a father who drops everything for some other woman and smacks beer mugs on his own wife!"

I stopped in my tracks, I let it slip.

He stood up with the phone still in his hand "Other woma- how the hell do you know?" he glanced over at Nicky and shot daggers at her. She nodded frantically. "I swear" she mouthed

"She didn't tell me" I whispered,

"Speak up I can't-" he started

"I heard everything, that night 9 years ago. Nicky's my sister, I know. You had another wife, I kno- I knew, this whole time,"

With wide eyes he said,

"You were always a nosy little bitch, ya know that?"

"I know, and I was and always will be your least favorite daughter. Good day sir".

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