1: Where The Sun Never Shines

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"But mom, I want this, any way you said I could take it slow," I exclaimed.

"What about school? The kids? What if they don't accept who you are now?"

"This will change everything"

I paused at that.

My mother was always the type of person who cared about what other people thought of her, I didn't unfortunately. But I don't blame her this is a BIG deal. Once I go out through those doors there's no coming back.

"Mom I seriously gotta go I'm running late, you know how Kai gets when he's kept waiting".

I kiss mom goodbye as I rush over to the table and snatch the last piece of muffin. I shouldn't be eating these considering the fact that they for some reason trigger my farts. You know, a wise man once told me that yoga helped you deal with excessive farting - I beg to differ. That old man was straight up bogus. Why couldn't my butt muscles be stronger? It's all good though because I was blessed with having my farts silent but deadly which should be considered a bonus because you'll always get away with it.

I run up to the gray SUV parked in my drive way and see two figures- Kai and his older sister.

"Wazz up-" before I could even finish my sentence, that dumbass greeted me with a headbutt.

"Oww, what the hell Kai, Maya could you put your brother on his leash?" I whine.

"Shut up and get in th-", She stopped mid sentence. Okay, Maya looked..shocked. Wow did I look that different? Because she had on her I-just-saw-Colonel-Sanders-giving-out-free-chicken face. I should be worried.

"Dude I got one question for you, WHAT ARE THOSE!?" he playfully screamed pointing at my head.

"No for real, what are those?"


I guess I should probably explain. This was inevitable, It was one of those gonna-happen-sooner-or-later moments you know? So I'll just start by introducing myself. I go by the name Lani Malec, yes I know what your thinking,

"OMG Malec!?! No way, that's the ship name in shadowhunters!!!"

Yup, I know and I am honored to bear this name. For those of you who are wondering: uh huh, yup I'm a mortal instruments fan wazz up. Currently reading City of Lost Souls, just so you know.

Any who, back to my life's story. So where was I.....oh yeah okay, so about two years ago, my mom got a divorce with my so called 'dad'. Yeah you guessed it, he was a dick. Went sleeping around with other women, always coming home late and all. My mom had to watch over the 5 of us by herself leading to sleep deprivation. It eventually went on for too long and my mom had to call the marriage off. Looked like he didn't take it well so the bastard (excuse my language) decided to whack his beer jug on her face. Yeah it was a very traumatizing moment for me, especially the kids, it happened right in front of us.

So what did I do? Trick question.
What any other civilized person would do:
I ran over to him, with the boys as my back up and we roughed him up pretty good, after we called the police of course. One more thing, you know that one part of the human body, that one place where the sun never shines? Yeah well, let's just say his next trip to the bathroom won't be a pleasant one thanks to yours truly.

After we all settled down mom broke the news to us that she was remarrying, about a year after the incident. We're all like "Damn woman!", we were shocked considering the fact that my mom is the kind of person who dwells on the past and isn't the a... social type of person. Anyway she never mentioned anything about dating. Fast forward 3 months later, mom's married, we got ourselves a new 'daddy', and Dun Dun Dun....WE MOVED...like 2 cities down, nothing serious. But it was worth the move, I got to leave my crappy ass High school, and we moved closer to one of my closest childhood friends - can't believe I'm acknowledging the fact that we are - Kai.

Ah Kai, I can't even begin to describe him he's..complicated. Yup, just your average half Asian horny 17 year-old. But honestly he's been there for me for as long as I can remember, I mean he's the one who freakin' potty trained me and that was a very special time for me. He says I'm his Chewbacca and that he's my Han Solo, It's the other way around if you ask me. He's my other half, I seriously can not emphasize his importance to me anymore than I have already done.

Enough about Kai, remember our new dad? Yeah him, so he's like um.. how do I say this without sounding racist. He's Muslim. And that's not a bad thing, oh no. I respect him and his religion. Honestly he's a great man and I see why my mom fell for him, he is by far the hottest Arab man I've ever seen. Can't believe I'm actually saying this but I am proud to say that my father is hands down the hottest 38 year-old I have ever laid eyes on, I'm seriously crushing on my new dad, that's a first.

Now I know there's common misconceptions about Muslims, like how they place little value on their women and children, how they promote violence and terrorism and all that crap. I honestly use to think that as well up until Adam (new dad) explained it all in simpler terms I could understand. The only misconception that still bothered me was about their woman, so I asked him if he would ever abuse my mother. He was taken aback, and I felt guilty and all but I just needed the reassurance. He told me he would never lay a hand on her unless it was in a manner filled with affection and desire. Is it just me or is he a gentlemen? Mom this guy is goals.

So does this make me a Muslim? Not necessarily. But I did want to learn more about the religion as a whole so Adam has agreed to give me mini lessons when I'm bored and stuff.

Now what was that thing Kai was pointing at wrapped around my head? I was wearing what woman in Islam wear: the Hijaab....sort of. I like wrapped it around my head like a turban, it was pretty hot out today. When Adam saw me this morning he was surprised, in a good way. God he has the most captivating smile on earth.

So yeah my life's story, pretty boring right? But I wanted to change all that like today, my first day of school as a Junior. I wonder what my classmates will think ya know? Will they be surprised? Shocked? Or maybe even scared because of all the negative things they see in the media. I guess we'll find out today.

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