2: The Hot dog vending machine

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"No for real, what is that?" he inquired as if he was actually interested.

"It's a turban, and I'm trying something new for once," I said in a matter of fact tone.

" Wait did your new-"

"No Kai, he has nothing to do with it I promise, sheesh" I threw my hands up in exasperation.

"Can we just go we'll be late on the first day of school and Maya, you'll be late to...what ever it is that you do when we're not around"

"I work...around the house and that's none of your business" she hissed.

"But sis we both know that...YOU DON'T EVER GO TO WORK WORK WORK" he screeched, my poor poor ears.

"LET MY BODY DO THE WORK WORK WORK" she screeched along.

And so they were both singing Work From Home until we reached the high school.

Ah Step High, that wretched school, most of my unhappiest memories reside here. I first attended this school in the middle of my sophomore year. Boy did gossip travel fast because it seemed as if everyone already knew me. From the divorce my parents had to the brand of underwear I wore. I'm dead serious, we can all thank Janet Hayes for that. But the one thing they still don't know is that my mom remarried this summer and not just to any guy, a Muslim.

I plan to break the news to them today actually, in homeroom. Mrs. Buford, the English teacher, will ask us all to stand in front of the class and talk about anything we've done in the past 3 months and cram it all in under 3 minutes. God I can't stop playing the moment in my head again and again-

"Okay we're here, get the hell outta my car I'm gonna be late to work" she demanded. Again, Maya didn't work for sh-

"BRRRING!!!!" dang, a whole swarm of teenagers were rushing towards the entrance doors. It took a moment for me realize that that was the first hour bell, fudge we we're late on the first day of school.


"Ms. Malec, I presume that you know that today is the very first day of the school year, and yet that doesn't seem to prevent you from getting tardy slips, day after day after-"

"I'll have you know that me being late is totally justified sir, I don't know about Kai but if you'll let me explain you'll see that-"

"Enough! Enough, you and me both know that this isn't going to take you anywhere Lani. Just get to class I'll write you both a pass but next time-"

"There won't be a next time sir I swear on my lunch" Kai blurted out, you know he's serious when he swears on his lunch.

"Thank you Kai, I wish all my students were like you child, your such a great influence to your fellow classmates. Lani, you could learn a thing or two from him, it could do you some good."

Am I hearing this right? Did he just say what I think he did? 'Great influence' my ass, he's enjoying this that brat.

"Thank you sir. Mr. Wilbert, will I be seeing you later today for some chess? I don't have any plans this afternoon."

Is he freakin' kidding me right now?

"Oh no son, my wife's holding a potluck with our neighbors tonight and she wants me to cook my mean lasagna. Damn those Johnsons they're always one-upping us year after year."

"Um.. I think we should get going now Mr. Wilbert, have a nice day sir."

As we walk out of his office I take the chance to elbow him right in the ribs, he replied with a pleasuring groan.

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