Part 7...

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Lapis pov

I slowly opened my eyes...

Lapis - oh god... W-where am I?

I looked around and noticed I was at my dorm. Huh? My bags that I had where in the little kitchen area and the Tv was on. Sapphire was asleep in her bed. I noticed I was on mine.

I slowly got up but fell back on my bed with a slight yelp. I looked down at what I fell on.

Lapis - an eye patch?

I got up again and I picked it up from the floor. I heard snoring? Sapphire doesn't snore?

I slowly walked to our living room...

Lapis - Peri!!!

He fell off the couch with a yelp.
I-i cant believe that he's here! I cant believe it!!

I quickly ran over and practically jumped in top of him. I hugged him tight.

Peri - lapis... Let go!

I slowly let go and we got up. I sat on the couch and he sat besides me.

Peri - your welcome by the way

Lapis - welcome? For what?

Peri - I saved your life

He smirked deviously.

Peri - again... From pearl

My eyes widen and I looked down at my lap.

Lapis - you've changed, huh?

Peri - is it that noticible?

I sighed and looked over at him... I reached out and took off his sunglasses... I stared at his beautiful eyes... I ran my fingers over his scar.

Peri - and... I'm sorry...

Lapis - sorry? For what?

Peri - for kinda deciding to ditch you...

He grabbed my wrist and brought my hand down.

Peri - I'm sorry for not telling you 'sooner'...

Lapis - no no, peri, I was the one who overreacted... I acted like a complete jerk...

Peri - you got that right

He chuckled and I punched him on the arm.

Lapis - d-did you take me here?

Peri - uh, yeah, I carried you and your bags

He leaned back and places his hands behind his head.

Peri - and I sorta kinda slept here

Lapis - pft, you ask sapphire?

Peri - yeah, she knows me

I nodded and scratched my cheek.

Lapis - oh, hey um... What happened to your animals?

Peri - oh, I have Loki in my backpack and as for R.J he's roaming the skies, whenever I need him he'll come

He smiled and leaned foreward.

Lapis - so... How was jail?

Peri - better than I expected, I met a sorta nice warden there and had sex with a girl

Lapsi - oh ok- Wait What?!

Peri - I'm just kidding!

He laughed. I turned like a tomato and I punched him again on his arm. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him our faces inches apart.

Peri - 2 things. 1 your hands are so cute and soft, they don't even hurt

Lapis - Thats cause your buff!

He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

Peri - 2 there is only one girl that I would like to have sex with and it's not the ones at jail~

I blushed a deep shade of red and pulled my wrist away. He laughed and got up.

Lapis - w-wait, where are you going?

Peri - I think it's time for me to leave, I don't wanna get too attatched to you, lazuli

He grabbed his backpack and swang it over his shoulder. I got up and grabbed him by the collar of his leather jacket.

Lapis - why...

Peri - c-cause... Cause I don't wanna break your heart again...

I then pulled him closer and pressed my lips on to his... He wrapped his arms around my waist and I tilted my head to deepen the kiss... We kissed for a minute or two and then He pulled back slowly.

Lapis - you won't break my heart...

He let go of my waist and grabbed my hands pulling them down. He then whispered.

Peri - I don't want to risk it...

He let go of my hands and before I could say anything He walked out the door... At that moment I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces...

Lapis - you did when you left...

I felt a tear roll down my face...

Peridot pov

I quickly ran out of the collage and out into the street... I cant risk it, I want to be with her... but I'm affraid I'll mess up again... I cant risk it!

I clenched my teeth and fists as I started to walk away from the building...

2ND Chance... [LAPIDOT, Sequel To Tutor]Where stories live. Discover now