Part 21...

263 7 6

Lapis pov

I slowly open my eyes only to see complete darkness...

What's going on...?

I try to move my hands only to find them binded together with tape.

Fear and panic kicks in and I struggle against the tape, looking around. I try to open my mouth and yell for help but it was then when I noticed the thick tape keeping me quiet.

I try to take deep breaths throu my nose and I felt tears building up.

A sudden bright light made my eyes shut quickly as some door in front of me opened. It closed just as quickly as it opened.

I felt my heartbeat quicken as I hear the slow tapping of shoes echoing... Closer... And closer... Until they stopped right in front of me.

Please be dreaming please be dreaming...

?- I'm sorry it took me so long to get to you...

A man.

?- oh? That's right... You can't talk...

His voice was very rough and in a way very... Familiar...?

?- You're scared... I can see it in your eyes

I see an outline of a hand stick out in front if me and I couldn't prepare myself before the sharp pain of the tape on my mouth as it got ripped off of me.

I gasp for air and feel the tears that pilled up roll down my face...

?- I'm sorry, didn't mean that to be so- painful

I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. Silence from him filled the air and all you could hear was my panting cries.

He suddenly sighs and I refuse to look up.

?- I've learned and thought a lot while I was away...

A coughing fit erupted into the darkness and he clears his throat right after.

?-... She really doesn't like you y'know...

My brows furrow.

I wanted to ask so many things, but I'm so confused and so afraid all I could get out was one simple thing...

Lapis- W-who... Are you...?

Silence was all I received until a small chuckle burst thru the air. It turned into a full on crazy laugh as the clicking of fancy dress shoes turned and walked away.

He laughed all the way, the steps became distant and the same bright light appeared again as he opened the door once more.

I saw his outline. His crazy hair was the only thing I could make out. This could be anybody...

His laugh stopped abruptly as his outline turned to the side and I swear he was looking at me. Then his demented laugh broke out of him again and he closed the door... And once again I was left in the dark...

~~Peridot Pov~~

*knock knock*

Peri- Jasper!! Jasper please!!

*bang bang bang*

Peri- Please open up!!

My fists hit the door repeatedly and I swear I could hear the wood breaking under me.

Please be here-

The door slams open and an angry looking Jasper appeared holding a sandwich in one hand.

Jasper- What the hell, you dork?! I almost dropped my turkey sandwich!

I pant and quickly swallow, my throat feeling as dry as a desert.

Peri- I need your help...

She raises a brow and I wipe my hands on my pants.

Peri- Please...

She seemed to see my desperate eyes as she sighs and nods, moving aside so i can walk in. I quickly step in and she closes the door behind me.

Jasper- what's got you so rilled up?

Peri- I-Its Lapis

She raises a brow and cocks her head, stepping towards the small kitchen.

Jasper- Lapis? Did something happen?

She puts the sandwich down on the counter, her gaze never leaves mine.

The called only said to come alone... But I know I can't do this on my own.

Peri-... She's been kidnapped

Her eyes widen and she steps closer to me.

Jasper- KIDNAPPED? What? When?

I put my hands up to calm her and she takes a deep breath before I explain.

Peri- very recently, maybe an hour or 2 ago, I went to her dorm and the place was trashed, then I got a call and they told me to go to the abandoned barn out of town... Alone

Jasper- there's no way in hell you're going to go out there by yourself, are you mad?!

Peri- ... Defiantly

Jasper- why'd you come here for then?

Peri- I need you as my backup

I play with my fingers out of anxious habit.

Jasper- backup?

Peri- yes

I pause and take out my phone.

Peri- If Lapis or I or both don't get out of there in 3 hours... I want you to blow the place up

She looks taken back.

Jasper- you want me to WHAT?

Peri- If neither of us make it out, that means those assholes who kidnapped her are still alive and in there, I can't have that

Jasper- Peridot listen to yourself! Blow the place up? What ever happened to 911?

Peri- I know I know! But-

Jasper- just-

She sighs.

Jasper- fine. I'll do it, but im giving you 4 hours! If Lapis comes out and says you're dead or vice versa ill do it, but if you both come out alive and fine, I'm calling the dang cops... Just don't kill anyone while you're in there... Okay?

I tap my phone.

Peri- Okay, I swear I won't

~... TIME SKIP ...~

I swing my bag over my shoulder and step out of the shack. Jasper starts the car and chucks me something that drops into my lap as I hop onto the passenger seat.

A gun.

Peri- I thought no killing?

Jasper- shoot for the legs then

She puts into drive and we head of onto the boardwalk.

As we drive out if town, I couldn't help but feel my stomach twisting. The road in front of us seemed to go on for miles and miles... Nothing but trees and plains on our left and right and the darkness that was setting into the sky...

I don't want anything to happen to Lapis... Im going to get her back... Even if it's the last thing I do...

(Sheetttt, okokok, so hear me out- I am building that sweet sweet suspense... I think. But yes! I will update the next part in a whillee, sorry it takes a bit long but I want to make this part of the story jusstttt right, cause waow, its some goooddd stuff, in my mind atleast)

(Have a good day/night and stay safe and healthy!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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