How Do We Say It

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Alison's PoV

Emily has just dropped me off at my apartment. She wanted to swing by, but i told her not to.
Because i think that it'll be better if the girls hear from me first, and then Emily. One voice at a time.

I unlock the front door and open the door. I immediately see Hanna sitting on our big couch and Sparia eating on the dining table.

"Hey." I said to all of them.

"Hey." Spencer said casually, then Aria and Hanna follows.

"What's up Ali?" Hanna added.

"Nothing." I shrugs. "Just a bit tired."

"How's the balls?" Aria asked then she groans and send a dead glare to Spencer. "What the hell?" Aria said to Spence.

"Alright. I figured that you guys knows. First of all, i'm so sorry for not telling any of you." I sighs and walk to the closest spot i can be with the three of them.

"Keep it going." Hanna said.

"I didn't tell you because i wasn't sure about Emily and I's place at the moment. I didn't tell you because i know you'll ask questions and i wasn't able to answer it-" i got cut off by Aria.

"Wasn't? Does it mean you're able to answer it now?" Aria said.

"Yes. You can ask anything now. So, shoot." I shrugs.

"Are you and Emily back together." Hanna asked eagerly. All eyes are on me now.

I took a deep breath.

"Yes we are back together." I said nervously.

"I WON!" Hanna said excitedly.

"What?" I look at her with a question mark on my face.

"Nothing. Anyway, that's awesome!" Hanna stood up and walk over to me. "I'm happy for you two." Hanna hugs me and then i feel more squeezes in the hugs, Sparia are joining the hugs.

"We're so happy for you guys!" They both said almost at the same time.

"Thanks guys." I hugs them all together. And then we broke the hugs.
"Wait, you guys are not mad?" I hesitate to asked.

"No we're not! We just wished you'd tell us sooner." Spencer said.

"I want to. But you know." I shrugs.

"Honestly, when you left, we put the puzzles together. We knew that you're going with Em. We're just giving you some space. But now that you guys are together again, i'm so happy for you guys!" Aria pulls me to a hugs once again.

"Thank you so much. I thought your reactions will be so much different." I sighs in relief.

"Of course not! We love Emison!" Hanna said excitedly. "Now where is Emily?!" Hanna added.

"She went home. She wanted to come but i think i owed you all an explanation, so i sent her home." I said.
"Anyway, what did you won Han?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing." Hanna said nervously. "I gotta pee." She smiles and run to the bathroom.

"MARIN! WHAT DID YOU WON?!" I said while chasing after her.

"GOD YOU GUYS. GROW UP!" Spencer shouted from the living room.

Emily's PoV

I just got home and put all my stuff back to where it should be, my phone went off. I look up and see a text from Spencer.

"You better explains everything to us. ASAP."


I put my jacket on, grab my key and off i go.

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