"Mercy! Please!" screeched the unarmed man on the snowy ground. Like a wailing boar he lay, bleeding from his right thigh, heaving and dying.
Beck hesitated for a split second before shoving his steel sword right into the Wildling's chest. He stood up straight, and turned his head toward the sound of a snapping branch.
The two girls appeared from behind the tree, roughly twenty years of age, the elder and taller of the two wearing thick brown leather garments and the other a bronze helm she had stolen from her father, and a bronze breast plate to match. The three of them were out hunting in the fields just south of the Dreadfort.
"Oh Beck..." she started.
"Gosh that was close."
"We must return to White Harbour immediately, it's not safe out here." Beck stuck his chest out and looked at the two, beautiful sisters.
The two ladies nodded their heads, and followed him closely back to their home, on the mouth of the White Knife, in the north of White Harbour, was their beautiful settlement, New Castle.
Lord Wyman Manderly, well known for his shockingly large size, sat like a overflowing sack of potatoes, on his large weirwood chair, at the end of the long table in the centre of the main hall. He was red in the face, his nostrils flaring.
"My lord." Beck bowed his head.
Lord Manderly shifted in his seat, his aqua-blue shirt threatened to burst as his belly stretched the fabric.
"Wildlings, we came across them in the moors while we were out hunting."
Lord Manderly's round, red face tightened.
"We?" he growled.
Beck cleared his throat.
"The girls... they insisted. They want to learn to defend themselves, my Lord."
Wyman Manderly turned to face his two young granddaughters. He looked stern, but his voice softened when speaking to them.
"Is this true?" he spoke to them.
"Please, grandfather, it's not Beck's fault..." said the brunette and elder of the two, Wynafryd."This is important to me!" whined the other, a dyed garnish-green haired, slender girl, with a thin and high voice.
Her grandfather contemplated the situation.
"We know, Wylla, but it's not safe. We can't afford to put you in harms way." said her father, Ser Wylis Manderly, also an overweight man although not nearly as large as his father, with a bald head and a long walrus moustache. He sat on the right side of his father, across from his only two daughters and beside his beautiful younger wife, Leona.
"Then let Beck teach me! I want to be able to take care of myself, please!" Wylla screeched in a quivering voice, sticking her bottom lip out like a child.
Wynafryd stayed silent.Lord Wyman Manderly let out a long grizzly sigh. The girls' mother, Leona Manderly, was whispering in her husband's ear. Wyman spoke up,
"This conversation is over -"
"Father, if I may."Lord Wylis Manderly turned to face Beck. Beck was like that of a son to Wendel Manderly, Wylis's brother, and Wyman's second born son. It was Wendel who had found the bastard in the wolfswood, west of Winterfell. He had named him Beck, and having always wished for a son, raised him as his own. Nobody had ever found out Beck's true parentage, but that didn't matter to Beck. He belonged at White Harbor, and while he wasn't a true Manderly, he was brought up and treated like one.
"If you are willing, Beck, perhaps this could be a possibility."
Wylla grinned, her sister let out a small hint of a smile. Lord Wyman Manderly huffed like a grumpy toddler, "they are your daughters Wylis! Surely you of all people should be knocking some sense into them! Not encouraging them with their silly fantasies!"
"Why? Cause they're girls? By the Gods father, they'll get slaughtered out there and not even be able to put up a fight. Do you really expect them to stay here in White Harbour forever?" Wylis retorted.
Lord Wyman stayed silent.
Beck took a deep breath, "I would be more than willing, my Lord. The girls deserve to learn to fight and hunt. I can teach them."
"Good," spoke Lord Wylis, before his father could argue, "then it's settled. You can begin anytime, just get it done without too many injuries." he sighed and stood up, "girls," he smiled, "father," he gave his bald head a nod, and stalked out of the room.
Lord Wyman frowned, "where is Wendel when I need him."
Wylla turned to Beck, winked at him and smiling devilishly, stood up and skipped out of the main hall.

Episode one: A Cold Whisper {Game of Thrones} (COMPLETED)
FanficMarei struggles with life in the brothel, it's not for her and she is ready now to decide what to do with her insignificant life, and she has much bigger plans than whoring. Beck's life was turned upside down because of somebody else's mistake. An a...