She had a wide, upturned nose, that made her look like a pig.
Elena stared at the reflection in front of her. She had done this every night before her bath, since her mother had died. She very much resembled her mother, just like her brothers did. Not the most feminine Lady, with her square jaw and thick, messy brows. She had a round face, and was slightly chubby, however most of her fat was on her hips, chest and her thighs. Elena had to keep a good posture, or else she would get several rolls of fat appearing on her belly. A curse that came with over eating, which Elena was prone to do.
She undone her dress and slipped it off, revealing her soft breasts and stomach covered in old, white stretch marks. She felt a slight chill, and so immediately strode over to her bath in the middle of her chamber, full of lukewarm water with a grey cloth hanging on the side.
A knock on the door. A female voice sounded this time.
"Are you ready for your bath m'lady."
It was a different girl from last time. She was thin, pale and had a sullen face.
Elena cleared her throat, "yes,"
The lady approached her slowly. She watched as Elena swung her leg over the side of the tub and slowly dropped herself in.
"How are you feeling today m'lady?" she said, picking up the cloth and dipping it into the water.
"I'm fine, I guess." Elena replied, not looking at the sullen lady now washing her body with the cloth. She took her hair in her other hand, and pulled it so that it hung outside of the tub.
"I can't even imagine what it must be like... losing your mother at such a young age..."
"I'm not that young." she retorted, "I'm second in line to Nightsong. I'm a Lady."
"That your are." replied the girl.
Elena looked at her sullen handmaiden, "and you should address me properly. My Lady, not m'lady."
The sullen girl stayed silent.
"Brush my hair please." Elena demanded. The girl looked sour.
"Of course, my Lady."
They stayed in silence for a good ten minutes, the girl lightly brushing Elena's thin, scraggly brown hair.
"Wish I had hair like this." she eventually broke the silence.
Elena rolled her eyes, "every girl wishes she had every other girls hair." she groaned, "I want thick hair, you want thin hair. Nobody gets what they want."
Another long silence.
"Your hair is brushed my Lady." suddenly the girl stood up, and clasped her hands. Elena looked at her.
In a single second there was a knock on the door. The sullen girl whipped up her dress revealing a pocket knife strapped onto her ankle. She grabbed Elena's hair with one hand, and started hacking at it with the knife in the other. It took several attempts to get through Elena's hair, but the girl persisted. Elena struggled to make a sound, she was horrified.
Another knock.
"My lady?"
Elena yelped as the sullen girl hacked off the last of her beautiful long hair.
Her handmaiden entered the room.
The sullen girl ran through the door way, past the gaping lady.
Elena screamed.
Her bath water turned red with blood from a fresh wound on the back of her bare neck.

Episode one: A Cold Whisper {Game of Thrones} (COMPLETED)
FanfictionMarei struggles with life in the brothel, it's not for her and she is ready now to decide what to do with her insignificant life, and she has much bigger plans than whoring. Beck's life was turned upside down because of somebody else's mistake. An a...