Harley lay soundly on the solid bed in her tent, listening to her mother and brother bicker like children.
The wind outside was harsh, the blizzard forced many of the freefolk to remain in their tents.
But Harley was bored.
She threw her legs around off her bed and pushed herself up to stand.
"I'm starving," she yawned.
"Who isn't?" Farlan retorted, grumpy from his argument with his mother.
As far as Harley knew, Farlan had eaten the last onion, and his mother had been planning on making venison stew that day, but couldn't without onions."We won't be getting a new haul of crops for a good while because of this dratted storm," their mother spat, spitefully.
Farlan rolled over into his bed and faced away from his mother and sister.
"I'm gunna go out," Harley stated.
"Out where?!" her mother gawked at her.
"Dunno," she replied, "might go see Oliver."Farlan rolled over, "Oliver? That scabby looking boy with the goofy smile?"
He chuckled.Harley glared at him.
"Oliver doesn't have a goofy smile," she hissed, "and at least I'm not going off shagging your best mate!"Farlan's cheeks turned pink, their mother stood between them, hands on her hips, scowling at Harley.
"That's enough," she said firmly, "what Farlan gets up to is none of your business and," she turned to her son, "what Harley gets up to is none of yours. And besides, Oliver saved my baby girl, so I'll approve of him any day." she whispered sweetly. Farlan's face loosened and he turned slightly yellow, as though even the thought of the events from the previous week made him queasy. Farlan hadn't yet spoke with Harley about it.
Their mother stalked off back to the cooking area, "I expect better from you two!" she called finally.
Farlan gave Harley one last glance and rolled over to face the wall once again.
Harley grabbed her bow and her quiver, which contained eleven wooden arrows that Harley had whittled herself. She escaped the tent quickly, hearing a call from her mother and her brothers voice saying, "where the fuck are you going with tha' bow?"
However, as soon as Harley appeared on the outside of her family tent, she was attacked by the storm, forcing her to scrunch up her face to protect her eyes from the many falling snowflakes. Harley whipped her hands up above her head to shelter her face, allowing her to open her eyes once again. She immediately started to search for Oliver's tent, not even considering the fact that he would be in a tent with his sister and mother, and that this probably wasn't the best time.
But Harley was wrong.
Upon arriving at Oliver's tent she noticed a figure, also sheltering his face, outside of it.
Oliver smiled when he saw her, "I were just coming to see you!" he beamed at her.
Harley smiled back at him, "I was coming to see you!"
The two of them grinned at each other for several moments, not speaking a word. Harley grabbed Oliver's hand,
"C'mon, come with me!" she sounded softly to his smiling face.
Oliver obediently followed her, limping slightly, but no longer needing his wooden crutches.------------------------------------------------
"I never knew anything this wonderful could exist so far up north."

Episode one: A Cold Whisper {Game of Thrones} (COMPLETED)
FanfictionMarei struggles with life in the brothel, it's not for her and she is ready now to decide what to do with her insignificant life, and she has much bigger plans than whoring. Beck's life was turned upside down because of somebody else's mistake. An a...