The four whores lay relaxing, lying on the cushioned seats with their eyes closed.
Jayde, a fair brown haired whore with a narrow waist line and a large chest lay furthest away from the exit of the brothel. Her cheeks were freckled and constantly a rosy red colour. She had thick bushy eyebrows that almost connected in the middle of her brow and her hair was tied up in a plat on the top of her head.
Jayde lay beside Alayaya, a black skinned and black haired girl. She was curvy, her hips covered in stretch marks. She was wearing a revealing, green, silk dress. Her hair was large, thick and frizzy. She lay on her side, cuddling into Jayde's arm.
Dancy on the other hand, her red hair a scraggly mess, lay on the cushioned seat closest to the double doors that led to the street of silk, beside the golden haired, skinny, pale and frail girl, Marei.One moment, the four girls, Marei, Alayaya, Dancy and Jayde were relaxing and the next, the four girls were on their feet, alarmed at the noises they were hearing.
People were screaming.
Chataya came jogging into the brothel from one of the back rooms. Her hair was wild and her eyes wide with curiosity and worry. Her mouth hung open slightly and her brows were slightly frowning.
"What's going on?" she asked demandingly.The girls did not respond.
Somebody yelled from just outside the brothel.
"No! Please! Mercy!"
Then all that could be heard was the sound of the same man choking on his own blood.
It was late in the evening, and the war had finally come.
"Get into the back room girls... hide." Chataya breathed.
But the girls stood frozen in place.
A man came striding into the brothel. He wielded a blunt and ruined iron sword and bore a stag in a flaming heart on his breastplate.
"For Stannis!" he spat, full of anger and stupidity and drunk with power.
Then he shoved his blunt sword right into Chataya's stomach.
The four girls cried out in unison, Alayaya dropped to her knees and passed out while Jayde covered her face, screaming as loud as she could.
Marei and Dancy were closest to the door.
Marei grabbed the red head's hand and dragged her from the brothel and out into the street of silk.
Innocent men were being slaughtered in their houses, women were screaming at the top of their voices and children were crying for their mothers.
Marei let a stream of tears run down her cheeks before wiping them away furiously and turning to Dancy.
"Stay close to me." she looked at her sternly.
Dancy squeezed her hand tightly, "I will."The two girls ran, hand in hand, down the street of silk and in the direction of cobblers square.
"Where will we go?" Dancy quaked, shaking like a leaf.
"We'll get a horse from cobblers square. We'll get as far away from the city as we can, Stannis Baratheon's men won't spare us... and the odds are in his favour."Dancy and Marei made it to cobblers square untouched. They sprinted through the streets, not hesitating for a moment. Kingslanding was a mess of blood and death and horror.
A crunching sound and suddenly Dancy stopped running.
Marei turned to find Dancy stood there, an axe buried deep into her skull. She collapsed onto the filthy ground, blood shot out of her head like water from a tap or a break in a dam.
A man stood behind her, unarmed. He removed his axe from Dancy's skull and raised it threateningly at Marei.
"Wait! I'm innocent! Please I'm leaving the city! I'm only eighteen!" she screamed at the soldier, sobbing with sheer terror.
The man was tall and lean. He had bright hazel eyes, and rather than a flaming stag on his breastplate, was a carved nightingale.
"Our orders are to kill all the small people... Stannis wants a new city, he wants to rule his own people." the man yelled at the quivering Marei below him.
Marei whimpered and cried. The man lowered his axe.
"I've got a daughter your age," he spoke, "get on a fucking horse, girl," the large man growled, "run for your life, while you still have it."
So Marei obliged.
Hopping on a dark brown coloured horse, she escaped from the massacre, golden blonde hair blowing out of her face as her horse galloped hastily from the city.
Marei cried. She cried for her loss of innocence, due to her whoring life. She cried for Dancy, and Chataya, and all the other girls that were probably dead already. She cried at the thought of her parents. She wondered where they were now.
Soon enough, Marei was out of Kingslanding.
But she had a long journey ahead.

Episode one: A Cold Whisper {Game of Thrones} (COMPLETED)
FanfictionMarei struggles with life in the brothel, it's not for her and she is ready now to decide what to do with her insignificant life, and she has much bigger plans than whoring. Beck's life was turned upside down because of somebody else's mistake. An a...